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"Hey we're here," Isamu poked Lotors shoulder as the emperor was leaning against the wall of the pod. Once again waking up to see Isamu being that one waking him.

"People are excited, you coming?" He smirked at the galra as Lotor sat up and opened his side of the pod as Raik was already being greeted happily by his siblings and the civilians seeing the hybrids arrive.

"Yes, thank you," Lotor jumped down and Isamu followed but stumbled only for Lotor to catch him by grabbing his arm and turned him back.

"And thank you," Isamu smiled cheekily holding onto his arm for stability.

"Okay let's not make this awkward," Isamu rolled his eyes parting away as they where still on the other side of the ship where no one was. Lotor pursed his lips but pulled in Isamu smoothy as he gently pressed his lips against his tan ones.

"I hope this doesn't make it more awkward," Lotor whispered as Isamu was frozen for a moment but smirked back pulling him down.

"I hate you," Isamu breathed against his lips as Lotor pulled him closer while the altean wrapped his arms around his neck standing on his toes.

"People are coming," Lotor pulled back quickly as Isamu licked his lips as Lycus ran over for Lotor laugh picking up his baby brother high in the air.

"Your back your back!" Lycus laughed as Freja ran over and hugged his waist while they heard people gathering to greet the other two.

"Isamu How was it?" An altean gasped running to him excitedly. "Did you really see Oriande?"

"I did! It's beautiful, and real, and just..." Isamu smiled brightly as he glance back at Lotor blushing a little. "And just amazing,"

"Our saviors never fail us, emperor Lotor and Raik, you are true to your word," the mint green haired man of the council smiled patting the two brothers shoulders.

"So what did you learn there? For our safety and upgrades," another asked.

"We will have a celebration tonight, and a speech to tell you all that we know, but we celebrate of our evolution!" Raik cheered smiling as he put Lycus on his shoulders and everyone cheered back and clapped as Isamu laughed a little while standing side by side with Lotor.

Hiding their intertwined hands behind them.


Music and laughter filled the night air as people danced, there was a fire and food and happiness wherever anyone looked. The colony may be small but alteans sure knew how to party. They all where excited by how Lotor announced the secrets that Oriande granted his brother and Isamu. How they will not only build their colony but to advance it for centuries on.

Everyone joined in the dance as it was an old one every altean knew, Raik learned many years ago as he was teaching his siblings to learn as they joined in jumping and laughing. All alteans knew the dances except Lotor.

He smiled on the side line drinking nunville watching his people. He didn't care if he wasn't included, seeing everyone happy was the best part of being their leader. Because it was him that kept them here, this was his success and watching it to Just breathe for a minute. His favorite part.

Isamu saw him alone as he was dancing and clapping along but smirked at Lotor as he spun over wrapping a silk cloth around the back of his neck pulling Lotor over.

"Look lonely, come dance with me," Isamu smiled up at him as he slid the silk off him and wrapped it around his wrist.

"I don't know how," Lotor chuckled pulling away to escape but Isamu grabbed his hand.

"Yours funny, idiot, your not getting out of this," Isamu dragged him along as some people laughed clapping as Raik whooped at them.

"Follow my lead," Isamu winked grabbing his hand as he lead Lotors hand up while he twirled under the galra as he stepped to Lotor again and spun him.

"Right, to left with a small bounce, and keep your chest high," Isamu kicked at his feet and Lotor blushed embarrassed as he looked down focusing to not step on Isamu.

"Loosen up," Isamu whined a little as they bowed and pulled back as Isamu put Lotors larger hand on his lower back.

"Kinda hard with people and music all around," Lotor mumbled as he followed isamu's foot steps.

"Look at me," Isamu grabbed his chin as he looked at Lotor sternly yet with a bit of tease.

"It's just me, you and me, and in ten seconds your going to spin me and it's going to make everyone loose their shit," Isamu whispered smiling softly now as he turned Lotor with him as he wrapped the silk around his neck again.

"And hand fun," he giggled with a wink as he spun them both around and in a few seconds Lotor huffed as he picked Isamu off the ground and spun him in the air as Isamu gasped a scream as he held himself up as he was off the ground, looking down at Lotor. And he was right.

The other civilians cheered louder at them.

"I told you," Isamu smiled at him as Lotor place him back on his feet.

"I suppose you did," Lotor held onto his waist gazing at the altean. Truly being happy

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