Feared visions

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"Damn the Stars," Isamu panted falling to his knees as he held his stomach in pain as blood seeped through his fingers.

"Isa," Lotor turned him around with wide eyes as he ignored the pain in his hip where he was hit as well, where blood spilt past his hands.

"It's okay, once I get some rest I can heal myself," Isamu grunted as he tensed up when he tried to get up but Lotor caught him.

"Love please," Lotor felt fear spike him as isamus dark blue blood dripped on the grass.

"Where are we even?" Isamu looked around but gasped looking at his wound seeing it was a clear shot from the Paladins blaster. Lotor helped him to his feet finally and gently let isamu lean against him for support.

"I believe we are on oriande," Lotor panted looking up narrowing his eyes to focus. It must've been the first place isamu thought of when they teleported.

"Your hurt," isamu saw the blood on Lotors armor.

"It's not deep," he lied.

"Let's find somewhere to rest for a moment," isamu pursed his lips as they slowly walked to a tree to sit by instead.

"Damn that blue Paladin got a good aim," isamu looked at their wounds with a small laugh seeing they were basically matching wounds.

"They're sniper," Lotor nodded as he held his side while blood dropped down his fingers.

"Here let me take care of that," isamu tried to take his hand off the wound but Lotor shook his head.

"Use your energy to heal yourself, I'm okay," Lotor pushed his hand back.

Isamu didn't argue but he hesitated before he placed his hands over his own wound and began to heal the deep wound.

"Why are they like that?" Isamu asked quietly.

"Why wouldn't they let us be free? We didn't do anything wrong," he felt tears in his eyes as flashbacks of long ago echoed in his head.

"It's my fault isa, do not blame yourself," Lotor looked at him softly.

"It's been two years Lotor, they treated us like animals, treated you terribly, like the war was all on us, it-it was cruel," he sniffled but Lotor wiped a tear away from his face.

"I'm so sorry they treated you like that my love, I'm so sorry," Lotor whispered holding his cheek sadly.

"I still have you, that's all that matters," isamu kissed his hand as he kept the other hand on his wound feeling it close slowly.

"I think I'd want us to get married here," Lotor looked ahead seeing the area without any trees but short purple grass as well as a field next to them with stray trees around where they laid.

"I can imagine it, I never thought I could imagine a ceremony and celebration of loving someone else, I never thought I'd fall in love," Lotor smiled tiredly as the blood kept coming still.

"I'm glad I fell in love with you," he looked back at isamu.

"I love that I can see my future happy with you," he smiled softly as he looked paler.

"Then stay awake for me," isamu whispered as he moved Lotors hand from the wound on his abdomen.

"Is it bad?" Lotor chuckled seeing isamus face but he knew it was deep.

"Your okay," isamu whispered more trying to convince himself. Lotor touched his arm comforting for him to calm down a little.

Isamu gathered as much energy as he could as he placed his hands on Lotors side to heal. He hated that he could call himself powerful but he felt so weak doing something just so simple.

"I cheated," isamu felt a tear run down his face a he had a sad smile.

"What?" Lotor asked gently but confused.

"I think I cheated when I wanted to be with you, I had a vision," isamu smiled looking down at the wound where his hand pressed.

"When I didn't know what I wanted, if I wanted to love again or not... I saw a vision that showed me trusting myself to love you I'd be okay, we'd be okay," he felt another tear roll down his cheek.

"I thought it was just going to be us, getting married, and-and having a family of our own, and I was excited to have that with you, but my visions now aren't even close to that, I'm so confused Lotor, I just want to go home," He hiccuped a small sob and Lotor felt his wound finish healing as he took isamus hands off him and checked to see no scar.

Lotor wrapper his arms around isamu as he cried quietly into his shoulder.

"I'm not ready to die, I'm not-" isamu sobbed into his armor as Lotor held him tighter.

"Your not going to die isamu, I swear to the ancients that I will never let you die," Lotor whispered into his hair closing his eyes.

"Our fates are changing, but I've changed my fate before and we can do it again, because of those bloody Paladins but they can't find us now," Lotor wiped his tears away as he held each side of isamus face.

"I don't wanna just run, we had a home," isamu looked at him wide eyes.

"This is our home now, raik has the alteans safe, oriande is our home, no galra can get in and Allura May be the only altean to get in but she is nothing compared to us, not alone, not against you," Lotor kissed his forehead as isamu closed his eyes.

"I'm tired," he whispered not opening his eyes.

"The vision, teleporting and healing us can take a lot out of you, rest, I'll wake you when raik comes," Lotor gently laid against the tree as isamu leaned against him and rested his head against Lotors chest as Lotor could prop his chin against the top of the alteans head.

Lotor felt isamu relax against him as he wasted no time to fall asleep against him. He watched around him seeing if there was anything around. But the thought of what isamu said settled in.

A family? The idea of being a father terrified him from having no experience in what a good father would be like, not even a role model to give him an idea, he couldn't bare the thought of him being like his own father but it's all he knew of fatherhood.

But having his future husband with him to raise a child together... he still feared the idea of being responsible to raise another being, he had no idea where to even begin, if he'd be a good one even...

Isamu inhaled deeply against him as he clenched his hand a little as it rested over Lotors chest. It made him smile. He would do anything for this man.

Even if it was something he'd be terrified of like fatherhood. But they'd begin that journey after they are married...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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