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At a table five alteans sat with the two hybrid leaders as each had a specific position while they where middle aged or an elder. Elodra sat with her pink hair in a high bun and her glasses across her nose as she was already a member.

There was two women and two other men besides Isamu and the galra. One had maroon hair as the other had balding mint free whole the other woman had blue hair short to her chin.

"What's this about?" The blue haired woman asked getting to the point.

"Isamu it's nice to see you up again, lad," Elodra smiled at him and he smiled back nodding.

"As you all know, before Raik and I joined the colony permanently, I worked with voltron, but only hours ago I came to a conclusion of there is a possible chance the Paladins of Voltron could find the colony..." Lotor sighed looking at them all and some of the alteans sat up straighter now.

"How?" The maroon haired man asked.

"Romelle," Isamu looked at them with narrowed eyes.


"She would get us all killed,"

"So they could find us, wouldn't voltron help us?" The mint green haired man asked.

"Voltron is complicated, they despise the galra... half breed or not, we are all the same to them, I earned they're trust once after giving personal information and also by taking them to Oriande," Lotor nodded as he brought up a hologram showing the white hole with broken ships around it making some gasp.

"But when miss placed information was given to them... there was no second chance, I don't believe voltron would help unless they where convince we rule the colony under a dictatorship rather than our equality," Raik stepped up looking across them all.

"Romelle is a traitor then," Elodra frowned.

"In a way, yes, but with that, if voltron finds the colony, anyone else can, the galra, the rebels, Druids that have spilt from the empire, the galra is falling apart so there's no telling who will come for the colony, that is why Isamu, Raik and I will be going to Oriande to discover what will keep us safe," Lotor nodded at her.

"How do you know you'll come back? Oriande is only a folks tale," a man asked.

"Many thinks so, but I've seen it with my own eyes, Oriande is safe," Lotor smiled confidently as Raik smirked a little.

"Why don't we move the colony there if it's so safe?" The blue hair woman scoffed.

"There is a guardian, the white lion, it only lets in those who are deemed worthy alteans, the chosen as they're called, princess Allura and I are only a few, I think with Raik and I sharing the same mother he may be as well," Lotor explained.

"And if princess Allura can get in who knows if we truly will be safe there," the maroon haired man nodded following along.

"But I gathered this meeting for approval, not for an army but to make weapons to defend our home, my ships are the same as voltron but that's only voltron, not the galra armada nor a rebel fleet," Lotor told them calmly as he was risking a lot to even bring up the war. But they had to think bigger, than just safety but if there's a war still then they had to be prepared.

"Alteans aren't violent people," the mint hair man sighed softly.

"I know, but there's only so much that's protecting us, and with Romelle and voltron there's a chance that protection will not last much longer," Lotor nodded.

"In conclusion the colony needs a bloody upgrade," Isamu shrugged. They all agreed.

"The three of us will be gone for a few days, and return with more news on how to continue the colony and hopefully not effect the civilians to much," Raik nodded turning off the hologram.

"We've created a small device that will alert us if there is any problems such as a invasion," he slid the maroon haired man a object with a button in the center.

"Emergencies only," he told them and the man nodded.

"I'm sure there will be nothing, but thank you emperors," they all bowed and Isamu did as well.

"No need to bow friends, as equals on a council there will be no need," Lotor chuckled standing up as they nodded.

"My lords, we all wish you safe travels, and as well as Isamu my old friend," Elodra smiled at them kindly as Isamu smiled back at her brightly. The same smile she remembers as a little girl while Isamu still saw her has the sweet little altean girl.

"As well both wish you safety for the time being," Lotor nodded back.

"So Oriande?" Isamu wiggled his shoulders at the brothers.

"Yea Oriande," Raik copied him as he smirked at Lotor who looked at both of them unamused.

"Your both children," Lotor crossed his arms.

"Oriande~" Isamu sang as the two shimmied their shoulders closer to Lotor who backed away.

"Join us little brother~" Raik sang back smiling. Lotor raised an eye brow and walked away shaking his head at his brother and closest friend.

As he left the room he covered his mouth to hide the smile crawling onto his lips while going home.

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