Cooperating surrender

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"So how the hell do we surrender?" Isamu asked as he and Lotor walked around the colony hoping for a paladin or someone to come get them.

"Hello! Emperor and Druid ready for your arrogant asses to come get us!" He called out but Lotor covered his mouth pulling Isamu back.

"Not like that," Lotor told him flatly and Isamu snickered removing lotors hand.

"Actually that works perfectly," a new voice said as there was a black sword as isamus throat as Lotor glared now.

"Hey handsome," Isamu perked up seeing Keith as well as the yellow and green one.

"Keith let him go," pidge sighed crossing her arms.

"You said your surrendering?" Hunk asked.

"We are," Lotor nodded as the sword was retrieved from isamus neck as he quickly pulled his fiancé back behind him as Isamu held onto lotors arm gently.

"Contact allura, and don't try anything," Keith warned them as isamu crossed his arms.

"Good face, a turn off attitude," Isamu smirked as Lotor sent him a look.

"God like face, hot personality," Isamu whispered to Lotor with a smirk as Lotor rolled his eyes smiling back.

"Hold our your wrists," Pidge walked to the two with cuffs. They cooperated as isamu was cuffed first then Lotor, Isamu crackled lightning at his finger tips seeing if it took away his magic at all, stupidly enough they don't.

"Come on," Keith looked at them as he couldn't stop staring at Isamu as he looked exactly like lance. Something about these two made him get goosebumps.


"They just surrendered?" Allura asked as shiro, lance, romelle, krolia and Coran stood near her while the two aliens where behind the paladins.

"Yea, it's kinda weird, bad vibes," hunk nodded raising an eye brow.

"So is when your all staring at me," Isamu said flatly as most of the eyes where on him while some glanced at lance again.

"Why did you surrender?" Allura asked walking to them glaring.

"It's pointless to fight back, I don't want the planet to be destroyed nor my people to get hurt, I was hoping we could have a discussion," Lotor told her calmly as none of the paladins believed him.

"Last time you surrendered we ended up trusting you, then you betrayed us, do your people know you killed their families? Does your altean Druid?!" Allura slowly raises her voice at him as Lotor looked at Isamu pursing his lips.

"Yea, we do, and if you keep accusing him of murder your going to be one more altean I kill as well," Isamu snarled back.

"Lotor only lies and plays games to get you to do what he wants, you can't trust him..." allura trailed off not knowing the alteans name.

"Isamu," he said flatly and romelle looked at him wide eyes.

"Your the loner in the woods," romelle gasped.


"Oh... I thought you'd be... older..." romelle pursed her lips with blush crawling on her pale cheeks as he raised an eye brow.

"Yea, I'm only 10,000 years old, I know I look good for my age," Isamu winked at them smirking.

"How could you be alive for that long? Where you born when the war began?" Allura asked with wide eyes.

"Aye I was, still young but I remember," Isamu smiled at her. "My family escaped,"

"How is that possible..?" She breathed amazed.

"I'll tell you everything if you compromise with us," Isamu nodded and stole a glance from Lotor who let a proud smile pass.

"I'd have to speak to my team, for now you two will be held in the cells of the castle, there will be no harm to the civilians," Allura let out a sigh and the two nodded.

Shiro walked over and lead Lotor away as Hunk guided Isamu in the opposite direction.

"Aren't we going to the same place?" Isamu stopped immediately as Hunk wasn't able to move him.

"Lotor has a special cell, plus we don't need you two making some evil crazy plan against us," lance scoffed but as he and isamu locked eyes and the paladin seemed a few shades paler as he tore himself away from the altean with wide horrified eyes.

"Are you idiots? No we stay together," Isamu lost his cockiness as his face turned dark staring down lance. He knew this was the paladin, his doppelgänger but the paladin himself seemed panicked.

"This isn't part of the deal," he snapped.

"Isamu, it'll be alright," Lotor told him with a nod as Isamu seemed bewildered but flinched when Shiro pushed him forward.

"We don't have all day," Shiro sneered at him as Lotor took a step forward.

Isamu glared and disappeared from hunks grip in smoke and suddenly grabbed Shiro by his human arm and slammed him against the ground pinning him.

"Don't ever touch him," Isamu hissed in his ear. "You don't want to piss me off, champion,"

Shiro growled as his robotic hand began to glow and went to attack the Druid in defense but Lotor snapped the cuffs and caught Shiro's wrist.

"I'd advice you not to do that," Lotor pulled him up and Isamu teleported back over to Hunk crossing his arms.

"No harm, comes to anyone," Lotor said sharply as they all stared at the two in shock.

"You don't hurt either of us, we cooperate," Isamu nodded.

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