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Isamu and allura sat in a small room as isamu had his hands cuffed to the table with shiro and Keith standing behind Allura for protection. Isamu smirked at them not saying a word.

"Are you a clone?" Shiro asked finally after ten minutes of silence.

"Nope," Isamu shrugged.

"You and lance look exactly alike," Keith frowned.

"Tell me about it, Lotor threatened to snap my neck first time we met," Isamu leaned back rolling his eyes as he felt a headache coming along.

"What?" Allura asked concerned.

"Yea, sword at my throat calling me paladin, spy, traitor," Isamu slowly smiled darkly staring at them all smugly.

"We're not the traitors, lotors the one that kill-" "will you shut it about him killing alteans?" Isamu snapped at keith sharply.

"I've heard his side of the story, I've seen it for stars sake, I live in one outcome but I saw what the other was," Isamu hissed at them as his heart raced in rage to defend his lover.

"What do you mean see?" Allura asked calmly.

"I'm a Druid, a witch, it's not just the magical qualities in my blood, its threatening to Hagar even, some druids have different qualities that make them special, I happen to be able to see visions, future, past, outcomes of choices, I'm a master of the mind," Isamu explained returning to being calm again as the paladins listened. Allura nodded.

"I as well possess magical qualities," she smiled.

"Don't think your special," Isamu quirked a brow. Alluras smile fell.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked flatly.

"I've been around for centuries Allura, I've seen other alteans who aren't druids possess qualities as well, let me guess you can heal and regain energy to the dying?" Isamu smirked a little at her and Allura slowly nodded.

"That's only the first step, all druids can, how do you think zarkon revived in the first place?" He cackled.

"You never answered our question, how do you look like lance?" Shiro cut in the alteans conversation, they both looked at him and Isamu smiled.

"Your paladin may as well possess a quality or two, his ancestors are in my bloodline, I didn't know until a few years ago I had a doppelgänger," Isamu shrugged and Keith glanced at Shiro wide eyes in confusion.

"It was common in my family," he commented and Allura pursed her lips.

"Lance could be altean?" She asked.

"He could, but it is 10,000 farther with mixing altean with other species to human, it's just ancestors," Isamu nodded explaining.

"You got your personal answers, what else do you want to know before I get to go see Lotor?" He asked sternly looking at them. His head ache increased as well as a bad feeling in his gut. His visions have always been right.

"Don't worry we don't torture," Keith rolled his eyes.

"Mentally? Oh wait I forgot it takes more time to build up trust then stomp on it at the slightest inconvenience," Isamu winked smirking at them.

"Why do you work with Lotor? What could he possibly offer you? A Druid that could rule on your own of those alteans, could help stop the war, what could Lotor offer you?" Allura leaned forward looking at Isamu confused as well as intrigued.

"I feel for his words once too, isamu he can't offer you anything with no true power," she reached out for his hand hit Isamu glared darkly.

"He doesn't offer me anything, he and Raik offered me a spot on the council and I denied, he is my friend and has had years to use my power for anything else but he hasn't! Lotor is a good man!" Isamu snapped harshly as his eyes glowed from his rage.

"I'm the one that gave him something you could never offer," he inhaled deeply as the paladins looked at him confused.

"What could that possibly be?" Allura scoffed.

"A second chance, a chance for him to speak for himself, his side," Isamu said softly looking down. Looking at the ring Lotor gave him to symbolize his love, his loyalty, their future.

"Lotor has lived in the galra empire his whole life, no more than as a hybrid, disproved for anything due to what he cannot help, Lotor has never been able to have a freedom to be himself, to only be a prince, a galra, a soldier," he explained looking at the paladins as he felt personally disgusted to be near them.

"Lotor has not had a reason to raise his sword ever since I've met him, he has smiled everyday, he has overcome his nightmare of a past, he has learned to trust and let others in, he's learned to love again after he could've died instead due to a thirst for power, a thirst to prove himself, he is not just an emperor to our people, he is a leader that works along side with them,"

"Love?" Allura whispered.

"He loved you," Isamu felt his stomach take a sickening sharp turn as he look her in the eyes.

"But he is engaged to another whom he loves more, you hold nothing dear to him, not altean blood you share, not royalty, you all had your chance you be an ally," Isamu straightened up a little as he took a soft breath.

"Lotors engaged?!" Keith's jaw dropped as Allura was silently shocked as well.

"He loves his family as well, only reason he's surrendered is so they aren't harmed, his brother, little sister, and his pride, his younger brother," Isamu smirked ignoring their surprise.

"Now, I've gotten in the details, I'd like to go see my emperor now please," he smiled sweetly clasping his hands together as the paladins where struck in silence staring at the altean.

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