Trusted plan

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"We know that there is a good chance that zarkon can be revived but that's only if honerva gets her hands on Isamu," pidge crossed her arms as they all stood in the main bridge as Allura had a hologram page of where the ships of the galra fleet are.

"Then why don't we keep Isamu out of the fight?" Hunk looked at her.

"Because Isamu is our greatest weapon besides voltron, and against honerva we stand a chance," Allura put a hand on her hip.

"I'm not just a weapon," Isamu quirked a brow.

"At the moment you are, But more of the big guns," pidge tried to explain.

"Lotor you know the galra ships the best, if you and Keith and I can get in I can hack to disable the blasters," she looked at the two half breeds.

"Voltron will need all its Paladins," Lotor frowned.

"I'll go in with Lotor and krolia, we will disarm the ships," shiro nodded as he glanced at the prince.

"What about me? I am not sitting on the side bench watching," Isamu glared at them.

"Yes you are," Allura snapped at him.

"Your not my princess, you don't tell me what to do," Isamu snarled back with a glint of Orange sparking. Allura glared back as pink sparked in her eyes.

"You are our hostage so you don't get a choice," she hissed.

"You really think you can hold us hostage? We just haven't tried to escape yet, don't tempt me," Isamu scoffed leaning more on one leg as his hip popped to the side.

"May we go back? My family is full of delusional toddlers and lycus does not listen to others," isamu smiled sweetly back at shiro and Keith.

"I beg your pardon love?" Lotor looked at him.

"You are no better, you pout," isamu sent him a look that made Lotor look down at his feet mumbling.

"We are in war," shiro crossed his arms.

"Um your in war, we got out and your dragging us in by our hair, princess said it, we are hostages, leaning against our will," isamu shot back.

"Lotor the galra are your people too, you can't abandon them," Allura walked to him as she put her hand on his arm with a soft face. Isamu felt his eyes widen and heart drop.

"I wouldn't care if the galra died, I left war, I am not their prince, you assumed that since I'm still here that you can use us as part of your plan, I gave no consent," Lotor grabbed her wrist and took her hand off him.

"Then who will lead them when zarkon is dead? When honerva is finished?" Allura looked up at him with a glare.

"You haven't considered those possibilities when you thought I was dead?" Lotor scoffed a chuckle. "You call yourselves great defenders but you are foolish children,"

"And you called yourself a soldier! Your nothing but a coward who ran from a victory," Allura snarled.

"Fine," Lotor glared down at her. "I am a coward, but a coward who is alive and made a home and a future, if we die like isamu's vision said, blood is on your hands Allura,"

"It won't come to that," Allura nodded.

"It's because you don't give a damn if we die," Lotor snarled with a dark voice.

Isamu felt tears weld in his eyes as his jaw was dropped watching the two, rage bubbling in him as he backed away. Shaking his head.

"Isamu?" Lance looked at him concerned.

"Hey man, I know your like my thousand times great uncle or whatever, but you okay?" He asked softly seeing a tear run down his face. Lotor looked behind him as isamus body was trembling.

"Love?" Lotor looked at him worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked but Isamu sniffled shaking his head.

"This isn't what I wanted, I just wanted to live happily, get married one day, but we're going back into war, I'm going back into a cage, your going to die and zarkons going to rise because of me! You bastards couldn't just leave us alone?" Isamu leaned against the wall as he couldn't feel his knees.

"Isamu there was no way of going through your life without war," coran walked over with a soft look but Isamu glared at him.

"Your bloody princess doesn't care if us two die, this isn't even a suicide mission! This isn't war, this is murder!" Isamu snapped at him.

"Lotor control him," Allura said sternly.

"He's right, we aren't your paladin, we hold no value except power, I think I'm ready to go home," Lotor said calmly as Isamu looked at him sadly.

"Lotor please don't leave us," Allura breathed grabbing his hand.

"I'm not their prince, I hope the galra die, and you go down with it," Lotor looked at her dead in the eye as he ripped his hand back.

"Your entitlement will be the end of you," he walked to Isamu as he grabbed his hand tightly.

"Next time you think you see either of us, turn the other way, we don't wish for a fight, no threat, only freedom," Lotor held onto Isamu as his fiancé trembled slightly, pressing his body against the galra, feeling more protected by his love.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do that," shiro pursed his lips grabbing Isamu and yanking him away from Lotor.

"Paladin I warn you to let my fiancé go," Lotor narrowed his eyes into a dark scowl as Isamu looked annoyed.

"Isamu is our prisoner, you want him, you help us end this war," Allura gripped her bayard.

"I had higher hopes for you," Isamu sighed looking at the human.

"I have a fiancé I want a future with too," shiro looked him in the eyes.

Isamu looked at Lotor hoping to see a sign of whether to take them down or to hold off. He trusted Lotor, he always had a plan.

"There is no need to get hostile, let him go now, or the battle you'll face next is your last one," Lotor glared as his ears went back a little.

"Release him," he hissed gripping his swords handle.

"Don't you think this is getting out of hand?" Hunk whimpered.

"Very," Isamu said flatly as he frappes shiros arm and flung him over his shoulder as shiro slammed into Allura and Keith as he ran into Lotors arms and put up a shield around them as Allura pushed shiro off her. Locking her eyes on the two like a honey badger.

"Good luck in your war," Lotor held Isamu around the waist.

"Lance!" Allura cried out. Lance held up his blaster and made the shot out of instinct as Isamu brought down the shield as he circled his arm to teleport the two.

Then they were gone.

"Did you get them?" Romelle gasped as lance felt pale looking where the two were.

"They won't get far," Lance gulped as where the couple once stood there was drops of blood.

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