Entering the roar

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"I can't believe your making your brother sit in the cargo part of the pod," Isamu snickered as he sat passenger while Lotor flew the altean pod through the universe while Raik was in the back unable to join conversation.

"Would you like to join him?" Lotor smirked as they flew through the universe.

"I'm very happy not getting pod sick," Isamu crossed his arms smirking as they flew for hours.

Isamu read one of his books as Lotor drove while they where mostly silent the whole time as Isamu laughed at his book a few times and explained the plot to Lotor when he asked then went back to relaxed silence. Ignoring Raik begging to join the front seats.

Isamu glances outside and noticed a dead ship in the distance as there was pieces scattered. His eyes widen as he sat up more looking ahead as there was a graveyard of broken ships and a white hole up ahead.

"A white hole..." Isamu breathed wide eyes and a little concern with all the broken ships.

"The white hole discharges the energy and pushes energy out unlike the black hole," Lotor nodded as he remembered the events with Voltron.

"How do we get to Oriande then?" Isamu gulped as he could feel the aura of the graveyard, faint alarms of the ships panicking or screams of those who fallen.

"The guardian will hopefully get us through," Lotor nodded and Isamu covered his cheeks and mouth watching around them with panicked eyes a little.

Lotor reached over the touched his knee gently seeing how uncomfortable the altean was with the surroundings.

"Take a deep breath, it'll be fine," Lotor told him softly and gently took his hands away from his tan face as he saw isamu's blue markings glowing now. He smiled.

"I promise it'll be fine," Lotor smiled proudly and Isamu looked at him but took a second glance seeing Lotors markings glowing now.

"You have altean markings," Islamic gasped leaning over to close to Lotors face as the hybrid leaned back wide eyes.

"Marks of the chosen, your marks glow," Lotor explained as Isamu looked in the windows reflection.

"Hey why the hell is my face glowing?" Raik popped up on a screen. He had marks like Lotor glowing as there was a tint of red. 

"A sign of death is near," Lotor told his brother smirking and blocked the call. They waited a few tics and heard a strangled cry from the back of bewilderment.

"You are an evil brother," Isamu looked at him impressed.

"I try," Lotor shrugged simply and pushed the pod forward as they went towards the white hole. Lotor sped up as some of the tech was flickering as he activated boosters entering the white hole. Isamu's breath stopped with eyes in awe looking around as there was only the white energy around them.

"It's amazing..." he whispered looking at the surroundings but saw the center of the white hole evolve into a white lion.

"You don't know it yet," Lotor smirked as he drove forward as Isamu gasped covering his eyes as they entered the white lions mouth hearing its roar.

After moments passed, Isamu listened carefully not daring to open his eyes. Is this death? Damn it's quiet.

"Open your eyes," Lotors warm velvety voice comforted him.

Isamu slowly pealed his fingers from his face as he peaked his eyes open but he sat up to lean over the desk part of the pod seeing a lavender sky and clouds with floating islands around with crystals under them.

"This, is Oriande," Lotor smiled at him as he watched isamu's shocked expression turn into excitement.

"It's beautiful," Isamu beamed looking at the main island.

"I agree," Lotor didn't take his eyes off the altean as his face was soft with the smile that crept on his lips never leaving.

He blinked looking away as he focused on piloting again as Isamu watched in awe of the mythical land he was raised by to only go to sleep, a dream land. And it was real.

"Raiks going to be pissed he didn't see this," Isamu laughed looking at Lotor.

"He shouldn't have taunted me," Lotor said simply.

"He called you 'little queen'," Isamu giggled.

"He deserves isolation..." Lotors ears dropped in annoyance. 

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