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"What are we going to do about voltron?" Isamu asked sternly as he and Lotor were hiding out in their home as he was flipping through books and Lotor was watching through the window for his family to come back.

"I can't do much, we fight we loose our sanctuary, we allow them to stay it's a mess I don't want," Lotor growled just as upset.

"Then we fight, we can go to Oriande, they are not staying," Isamu stopped him quickly shaking his head as Lotor turned to him.

"I promise you I won't, I will not stand for that," Lotor told him seriously as he got on one knee holding his beloveds hands.

Isamu gasped as he saw an altean shoved to the ground of a cell as it slammed behind while a line of others where standing in front of a crowd. All where chained in shackles with fear or shame in their eyes.

"A pure altean for 100 GAC!"

"No, they have to go," Isamu pulled his hands back. Lotor was about to ask what was the matter but there was footsteps that where approaching from outside.

"Did you find anything?" Raik suddenly walked through the door as freja was in his arms and Lycus was behind him.

"I could put a partial barrier around the paladins to keep them out or one around the colony to hide us by cloaking," Isamu sighed looking at his books.

"But..." he gulped looking down putting his forehead in his hands.

"The longer voltron stays the bigger chance we're found," Isamu looked up at them with fearful eyes. "And a bigger chance altean will be enslaved,"

"You saw that when you pulled away before?" Lotor asked sitting next to him.

"Aye," Isamu breathed. "Civilians lined up to be sold like property, or the council be thrown into cells, I didn't see you guys or myself so that's a sign of hope," he shrugged.

"We won't let it happen in the first place," Lotor told him sternly and Isamu looked at his lover and nodded believing him.

"I was actually worried out you before," he wrapped his slim arms around lotors shoulders and buried his nose in lotors neck as the taller man held Isamu tightly.

"I won't let them hurt you," Lotor closed his eyes as he breathed in his lovers scent of comfort.

"I won't let them hurt anyone," he looked at his siblings gripping Isamus hand tightly.

"Then we need a plan," Raik nodded.

— —

"Hey," Raik walked to Lotor as he was standing outside getting some air while Isamu was inside getting freja some tea.

"Brother," Lotor nodded.

"How does one get captured by smaller beings?" Raik smirked teasingly.

"One has their mind distracted," Lotor chuckled.

"The great emperor Lotor distracted? Never heard of such thing," Raik snorted shaking his head.

"Well the emperor does have one weakness," he smiled looking at Isamu through the window as the altean wasn't paying attention.

"Yea but Isamu wasn't with you man, how did they get the best of you? Unless you surrendered," Raik asked more seriously with a goofy smile still.

"Well there's been something on my mind," Lotor shrugged and paused for a moment reaching in his pocket. He handed Raik the box and eyes widen when he opened it.

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