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Lotor walked through a rebel base with a hood over to hide his silk silver hair as he changed his skin to a olive tan to hide his galra side, while purple altean marks where over his cheek bones.

"You friend of Raik?" A woman with a scar over her eye brow and half shaved yellow hair with pink skin.

"I am, you must be Liaz," Lotor nodded as she smirked.

"I got your cargo kid, come on," She motioned to the back as Lotor followed.


"Last load strong guy," Liaz tapped a fourth wooden box as Lotor lifted it easily over his shoulder to put in the altean ship.

"Here's 300 GAC, thank you," Lotor gave her a pouch of the money he owed closing the pods back.

"Yea no probs, Tell Raik he should really call me back for once," she scoffed crossing her arms smirking.

"Yea we'll see," Lotor said flatly as he didn't want to hear that of his brother and jumped into the pilots seat throwing off the hood, letting his purple skin fade back charging up the pod.

"I'm heading back home," Lotor pulled up a call by Isamu as his loves face on the screen.

"Alright? I thought those loads of supply was a ton, a couple mans job," Isamu made a face of confusion.

"Altean and galran hybrid love," Lotor smirked.

"So when you pick me up..." Isamu thought for a moment.

"Chairs weight more than you,"

"And I never figured this out until now?! It's been two years and I weigh nothing to you!" Isamu cried out with his jaw dropping as Lotor flew out of the planets range to head back to the colony.

"To be honest your just as strong, just not heavy, galra genetic helps though pure Alteans are... very... very strong..." Lotors ears lowered a little as Isamu giggled.

"Good, I was hoping we could have the evening together for some stuff..." Isamu pursed his lips.

"Hm and stuff?" Lotor played innocent. He knew it's been two years since they've gotten together, two years since their first kiss on Oriande, their confessions, it's an anniversary for their relationship. Last year for their first one Lotor took him back to Oriande for a weekend as they camped out for themselves.

Lotor smiled softly holding a small jewel in his pocket as he wasn't going to go home yet. It was a small chunk of the crystals under the islands of Oriande.

"I have another load on at another planet, they said four but they where out and that fourth load is on another rebel base," Lotor smiled gently at him and Isamu groaned.

"You do know what today is correct?" Isamu laughed nervously.

"No idea what your talking about," Lotor smirked and Isamu let out a relieved breath, he could tell by that Lotor knew.

"Alright call me when your on your way home, stay safe baby," Isamu chuckled at him.

"Always, I love you," Lotor laughed a little as he ended the call.

Lotor pulled up a location to fly to for a secret gift he wanted for Isamu, not even Raik knew, and he talked to barely conscious Freja at 4 in the morning knowing that was her most honest hour. She agreed with it.

He wanted to spend the rest of his long life with Isamu. They're both immortal so a very long life.

He wanted Isamu to marry him...

"I just hope he says yes," Lotor breathed holding the crystal close as he blushed softly.


"This fella? Never seen a crystal like it," a black smith looked at the crystal raising an eye brow.

"Very rare dorthath crystal," Lotor told him as he made up the name.

"Raik said your the best metal artist in the universe, and Raik never lies," he smirked and the six arms man hummed.

"A humble and noble man, give me three hours and you'll have a beautiful ring for a beautiful woman," the black smith snapped his twelve fingers walking away.

"For a beautiful lad," Lotor smirked as he walked away to look around the market. He had time anyways.

In the distance a man with long brown hair in a low pony tail walked around the rebel base with a orange hologram and a scar over his cheek.

He heard a familiar voice making his light brown eyes widen looking around the busy base and saw a tall familiar figure walking from the black smith.

"No..." he breathed looking at the alien, picturing him with purple skin rather than the olive tan.

"Matt is everything okay?" Nyma walked over.

"Nyma we need to call voltron now..." Matt looked at her seriously.

"Lotor is alive," he gulped.

"What?" Nyma hissed pulling him away.

"Him, that's Lotor, he's half altean so dead ass he can change his colors and size," Matt growled back glaring.

"Be right back scrawny guy," Nyma patted his arm walking to the alien Matt pointed too.

"Hey who are you? Haven't seen you around," Nyma stopped in front of the man.

"My name is Lycus, just a refugee?" The man blinked confused.

"Species?" Nyma pointed up at him.

"I am currently trying to figure it out, a base a few galaxies away recovered me from a battle I suppose, I don't remember anything, do you recognize me?" The man asked curiously and her eyes widen.

"No, sorry just new faces around here are skeptical, you know spies and all from the galra," Nyma snorted nervously. "Bye,"

Nyma walked back to Matt wide purple eyes.

"Holy shit. It's Lotor." She breathed as Matt nodded. 

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