Blood lines

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Lotor was speaking to some alteans as well as Raik while Freja and Lycus awkwardly hung around their big brothers.

"Prince Lotor?" A young man walked up to the prince from behind as he had an altean accent.

"You okay sir?" Raik asked as Lotor was still speaking to an altean farmer.

"Yes I just need to speak with prince Lotor, just some questions about the colony," the young man smiled gently and Lotor over heard as he turned to the altean and froze.

He was a tan altean with navy blue hair and blue markings with ocean eyes and pupils that where a yellowish orange like a flame. He shared a kind smile sticking his hand out.

"How did you get here?" Lotor sneered grabbing the handle of his sword as the altean backed away alarmed now as he grabbed the bow on his hip.

Lotor glared as people watched the two but Lotor grabbed him harshly pulling him close.

"Scream and I will snap your neck paladin," Lotor hissed in his ear as the altean froze now fearing his life as he was pulled away to behind the ship.

Lotor pushed the altean ahead as he stumbled but as he turned back to the prince, the tip of his sword was at his throat.

"How did you find me paladin?" Lotor snarled darkly.

"I'm not a paladin, I'm not even a pilot!" The altean groaned.

"Did Allura send you as a spy?" Lotor hissed walking closer as the sword slowly moved to the side as the boy grunted at feeling the cold metal.

"My name is isamu, not a paladin and don't know any Allura dammit," he pushed away the sword.

"I recognize you lance, the red paladin, you think I'm stupid?" Lotor grabbed his shirt in a harsh whisper.

"I'm not!" Isamu cried out.

The altean grabbed Lotors hand with a glare as he closed his eyes tightly and Lotor gasped seeing visions through his mind. Seeing a small boy hugging his mother, seeing parents fighting, father leaving, their home on fire with galra attacking...

Lotor gasped pulling back as Isamu glared darkly.

"What are you?" Lotor sneered.

"I'm an altean seeking refuge, I was a Druid but I ran away many years ago, I live in peace and I'm not some quiznecking paladin!" Isamu raised his voice harshly.

"I simply wanted to discuss your plans without any incoming resources due to no ships are coming but I seem to be much more threatening than I intended, good day Prince Lotor," Isamu spat storming off as Lotor was shocked at him as he knew the red paladin couldn't do that. He was mocking and a laugh for everyone.

Lotor was conflicted as if the altean could be a clone but those memories he was shown are not a clones.

"A doppelgänger?" Lotors lips parted softly in surprise. Could it be?

"Hey what happened? I heard yelling and that kid looks pissed," Raik ran over confused.

"That altean I believe is a doppelgänger of the red paladin," Lotor tilted his head to the side.

"You do know those are rare for alteans, and they have to be blood related some how," Raik scoffed.

"An ancestor of the red paladin could be an altean as the black paladin is also part galra, and I believe there is more to this altean," Lotor narrowed his eyes a little.

"And if he's a clone?" Raik glanced at him seriously.

"He is not, he convinced me that he's not the paladin by showing me memories, he was a Druid and escaped the galra to here I believe, and those memories as a child is not one a clone can have," Lotor nodded crossing his arms.

"Well there are builders that wish to create a home for us, since we're staying and all," Freja walked over to her brothers with her hands in her skirts pockets.

"That's very kind of them," Raik smiled at her as Lotor was focused on that altean still.

"They just want some opinions from us and they'll get right on it tomorrow," she explained simply to them as Lotor blinked it away and looked at his sister.

"We're like royalty!" Lycus ran over and slid to the older siblings with wide eyes.

"These people needed a leader, Hope, and Lotor gave it to them," Raik smiled proudly.

"So Lotors the king?" Freja asked cocking her head to the side.

"No, I rather not be called a king," Lotor chuckled.

"Oh right, savior," she bowed smirking at her brother.

"Well your defiantly not a prince," Raik slapped his hand over his brothers shoulder making Lotor flinch a little but smiled at him.

"Why don't you be the ruler Raik? First born and you helped me build this colony," Lotor looked back at him.

"Lotor no, sure first born is but this is your colony, you kept these people safe and alive for centuries, they are your people," Raik told him sternly with a smirk.

"Emperor Lotor," he chuckled. "It has a nice ring to it,"

Lotor smiled at his brother nodding.

"Thank you, for everything, for being my family," Lotor whispered gently as Raik smiled but ruffled his hair teasingly.

"That's what big brothers do," he laughed as Lotors hair was now messy.

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