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"Hey, sleepy head, wake up,"

Lotor snapped his eyes open quickly as he saw isamu's kind face looking at him as he was crouching down to his level.

"I ran right past you, whatcha doing down here?" Isamu smiled down at him as Lotor blinked a few times to focus from a startling wake up.

"Just waiting," Lotor smiled back as he got up with some help from Isamu.

"Did you succeed?" He asked standing tall once again.

"I did," Isamu smiled softly as they walked outside to wait for Raik.

"Can I ask... did you ever learn oriandes secrets?" He asked as they stood outside looking around the pink and purple sky.

"No, I was unsuccessful, my past got to the best of me," Lotor smiled sheepishly down at him.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I just yelled at the lion, mostly to knock it off," Isamu laughed awkwardly.

The lion leaped at him as Isamu ducked and rolled from the lions claws. It slid and turned back to the altean.

"Enough!" Isamu shouted as his eyes glowed orange as his body corsed with electricity.

"It wasn't that great..." he huffed blowing some blue hair out of his face.

"So did Raik come back?" Isamu asked pipping up.

"No, not that I know of," Lotor shook his head as they walked to the end of the clift looking at the view.

"I just can't get enough of this place, it's so beautiful," Isamu breathed hugging his chest a little with a smile.

"I agree, knowing your a chosen, you can come back for years, centuries," Lotor smiled at him and looked at the lands again.

"Good to know I'm not strapped down to the colony, surprisingly though, I like company," Isamu chuckled softly.

"I think everyone can agree on that, no one truly wants to be alone," Lotor sighed running a hand through his hair. His heart pounded.

"Did you come here with Allura?" Isamu asked teasingly.

"I did,"


"Isamu-" "Lotor," they stopped to look at each other but laughed.

"My bad, go on," Isamu giggled crossing his arms.

"It's nothing... just how far we've come as friends, I mean we're on Oriande, everything about you... I admire, I respect, you are something else Isamu, we've come so far," Lotor chuckled shaking his head.

"It's crazy," Isamu covered his mouth smiling.

"I don't deserve someone like you in my life Isamu," Lotor sighed looking at him.

"Don't get soft on me," Isamu punched his arm rolling his eyes. "I've literally risked my ass for you, no backing out now lo,"

"I don't plan on it old friend," Lotor blushed softly as he skimmed his thumb under his altean markings making Isamu blush a little as well.

"Is there something you want to say?" Isamu gulped backing away a little. The way his face heated up and his heart raced, it was terrifying.

"I-I do but I don't think I'm doing very well at saying it," Lotor coughed into his hand nervous almost.

"Nope," Isamu put his hands on his hips raising his blue brow.

"I-I..." he pursed his lips almost feeling sick at his stomach avoiding to look at Isamu.

"Your going to do something stupid aren't you?" Isamu laughed a little at him.

"I'm afraid I am," Lotor gulped.

"Don't worry," Isamu sighed sitting down. "You don't have to say anything,"

"What?" Lotor blinked surprised.

"Please don't say anything actually, I don't know but I can't let you say anything that I think your going to say, damn that's confusing," Isamu laughed awkwardly as he dangled his legs off the cliff.

"You haven't even given me a chance to say it," Lotor smiled as he joined him.

"Keep it that way," Isamu sighed.

"Isamu..." Lotor whispered but touched the side of his face as he pulled the altean close as their lips barely brushed against each other but Isamu pulled away quickly.

"Lo please," Isamu put his hands up wide eyes.

"I can't," his voice shook a little.

Lotor looked at him hurt but quickly looked away ashamed and embarrassed.

"My apologies," he whispered closing his eyes.

"No don't apologize, it's really me, I'm... scared..." Isamu head onto his hair a little wok one hand.

"Of me?" Lotor asked softly.

"No, I'm afraid if I let you in I'm going to regret it, I know you Lotor, and I know if I let you in, something will happen and I'll regret it for years on end," Isamu gulped nervously as he couldn't stop himself from telling Lotor everything.

"You know id never hurt you," Lotor grabbed his hand.

"I know..." Isamu whimpered a little.

"Let me then, or do you not feel anything for me? I will never mention it again if that's the case," Lotor told him softly as Isamu felt a tear slip down his face.

"I'm not what you want Lotor, Allura is more in your league and I've seen the princess before, you shouldn't give up on her-" Isamu was cut off by strong lips that slammed against his own.

"Allura is in the past, I want you in my present, and future," Lotor whispered against his lips as Isamu felt more tears ran down his face.

"Your going to do something stupid aren't you?" Isamu breathed.

"No doubt," Lotor smiled a little as Isamu kissed him back closing his eyes gripping Lotors hand.

"Let me be good to you Isamu, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you," Lotor brushed away a tear on isamu's tan face.

"I want to... god I want you..." Isamu sighed looking up at him.

"But I think I need some time," he whispered and kissed Lotors lips softly and stood up without looking at Lotor.

"Hey guys where you been?" Raik walked out of the temples waving at the two.

"Waiting for your slow ass," Isamu smiled back at him as Lotor stood up as well. He couldn't help but stare at the altean.

If time is what Isamu needs, he will wait as long as it takes.

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