Half blood

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Lotor walked through an abandoned planet that was once a refuge to those that escaped the galras terrors. A land someone he knew kept safe before the galra took this too. But it was a common area they'd meet up to talk about the war and ways to make their lives safer.

Lotor knelt in the dirt that was mixed with ashes but he brushed some dirt and ash out of the way and saw a small little area of grass regrowing there.

"The planet is regrowing on its own," a voice said behind him and Lotor grabbed his sword immediately as he held it at whoever dared to sneak up on him.

"Jumpy?" A 7 and a half ft galra man stood there smirking down at Lotor as he had long dark blue hair braided over his shoulder but almost looked exactly like zarkon himself with light purple skin and armored like skin... at least he did before corruption. His eyes where yellow with dark purple over much like Lotors but did not share the altean pupil that would be a different color like Lotors lilac pupils.

"Raik," Lotor breathed pulling the sword away.

"The kids are in my pod, I'm glad i didn't bring them with now," Raik snorted at the shorter galra hybrid.

"It's good to see you again little brother," Raik grabbed his hand and the two men pulled each other in for a tight embrace as Raik clapped his hand over Lotors shoulder.

"Like wise brother," Lotor smiled a little looking up at him.

Raik was the first born child of honerva and zarkon. He was six years older than his brother but when their parent died and Lotor was born to zarkons hire as alfor and the other Paladins rescued Raik before he could be corrupted by zarkons new ways. They sent him to a safer planet in hope to save someone who knew the truth after already was destroyed. And they did...

Centuries ago Lotor met his older brother when he was exiled for not following the galra way as he showed equality and empathy to a planet. He found the galra hybrid that fought against the galra knowing the truth. And seeing Raik so similar to his father...

They believed it was all of their family they had left was the other. Raik helped Lotor build the colony but assisted his younger brother as Lotor saved hundreds of alteans who seeked a haven, a sanctuary. But Raik left Lotor to help those who fought the war so Lotor stayed...

"So little brother why are we here? I can get the two," Raik motioned behind him at a pod ship.

"No, not yet, this is more between you and I," Lotor sighed crossing his arms.

"Is everything alright?" Raik asked more serious now.

"It's about our mother,"


"What did you find?"

"It's not what I found, the witch of zarkon claims to be honerva," Lotor stepped back with dread on his face as Raik frowned.

"Hagar? That's not possible," Raik scoffed shaking his head.

"Raik you weren't there... the witch, she looked like an altean, she looked like the alchemists our mother, that witch has been here the whole time and she's never-" Lotor cut himself off turning away as Raik looked at his little brother concerned. He never grew up with the empire, unlike Lotor who faced the neglect and abuse of zarkon. And if Hagar was honerva and has been there the whole time...

"No, honerva has been dead for 10,000 years, that witch will not have the title of our mother, let her be remembered when there was peace and not of this war," Raik put a hand on his shoulder as Lotor had hurt in his eyes looking at the patch of green grass that grows again on the planet.

"Lotor what else?" He asked softly.

"That's all," Lotor took a deep breath quietly.
Raik could tell he wasn't ready to talk about anything else as the news of their mother was hard enough on both who thought they where orphaned by the war.

"I'll go get the two," Raik smiled calmly at Lotor and walked away to give him a moment.

"Freja, Lycus," Raik called to the two children waiting in the ship. He opened it and helped a small eleven year old girl with long light blue hair almost white as it was in a low pony tail as she had light purple eyes with midnight blue iris's as her skin was tinted light lavender as she had the same markings around her hairline and down her nose like Raik but her eyes where another species.

"Lotor!" A young four year old boy with short blue silver hair and big purple eyes that where similar to Lotors himself as the pupils were maroon. He barely was the height of Lotors hips as his smile was bright with small fangs with his skin lilac and curved markings on his cheekbones and a line in the middle going down as they where periwinkle.

"Lycus," Lotor chuckled kneeling down as the little boy slammed into Lotor with a tight embrace.

"Your okay!" Lycus looked at him with a big smile and Freja ran to hug his side.

"I am, your both so big, I almost didn't recognize you little warrior, and littlest warrior," Lotor looked at both of his younger siblings as Freja snorted while he touched her shoulder nodding.

"I missed you Lotor," Lycus buried his face in his hair as Lotor squeezed him tightly as he took a deep breath.

"I missed you both," he smiled.

"So now what?" Raik asked.

"I told my generals that to spread the word of me dead... so, I need to disappear, would any of you like to join me?" Lotor asked looking at his small family of hybrids.

"We're with you Lotor," Raik smirked as Freja nodded.

"I know a colony, Raik would you like to return?" Lotor smirked at his older brother and the older galra chuckled at him.

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