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Isamu walked around in his home as it was quiet and all his books where missing, his jars, and two mugs where gone as well...

He pursed his lips touching the counter top that was a smooth marble while he studied his longest home.

"What if we lived together?" Isamu smiled shyly as Lotor slept over again that night. The galra was taken by surprise as isamu blushed pouring their morning tea.

"I think that'll be lovely," Lotor kissed the back of his neck.

"Yea?" Isamu smiled turning to him.

"Yes," Lotor chuckled seeing the excitement in his beloveds eyes.

"Yea?!" Isamu squealed.

"Yes!" Lotor laughed loudly picking him up.

"Let's live together!" Isamu cackled wrapping his legs around lotors waist kissing him happily as Lotor laughed holding his waist.

Isamu gulped walking to the living room as it was the room with the most memories, most memorable moments with everyone.

"Isamu," Lotor nodded.

"Your emperorness," Isamu crossed his arms.

"May I come in? I'd like to talk," Lotor pursed his lips and Isamu raised an eye brow but sighed opening the door as he walked away.

"Don't touch anything, and if it has eyes just don't look at it," he called over his shoulder going to the kitchen as Lotors eyes widen disturbed but looked around the small home. There was shelves as well as Knick knacks on them, some where jaws of items or of liquids.

He turned his head and silently widened his eyes frowning seeing a disfigured creature in a jaw as it made a small screech at him clawing at the jaw.

"I said don't look at things alive," Isamu turned Lotors head as he grabbed his cheeks with one hand with a serious expression.

"Are you alright?" Lotor walked into the home seeing Isamu looking around with his arms tucked over his chest.

"I'm fine, just it's my first home that was really mine, I don't remember much of the one with my mother and sister, I've been here for 10,000 years, you kinda get attached to the place," Isamu sighed walking towards him.

"It is a lovely home," Lotor held him with isamus back against his chest as they looked around. Isamu could feel lotors heart thudding quickly and laid his hand over lotors.

"I think it's my first place to be able to call home," he sighed as Isamu smiled softly.

"Good," the altean chuckled.

"But it's not exactly what I will always call home," Lotor turned him around as isamu smirked.

"Home isn't a place," Isamu nodded as Lotor held his hands gently, he did his best not to seem nervous as he looked down at Isamu, this blue beautiful eyes with memorizing orange pupils that compliment each other perfectly.

"I've been afraid of love for so long, before I even laid eyes on you, never knowing what it felt like, or how to love someone back, but with you I realized it's not something you have to know but to follow as an instinct," Lotor held the side of his face as isamu laughed softly leaning into his touch.

"Nor knowing what a home is, the empire wasn't where I belonged, but you Isamu will always be my home, who I belong too, where I will always come back too, who I love and fight for," he smiled as he brought isamus knuckles to kiss gently.

"So I suppose now is the best time as any, because not knowing what the future may be... I know I'll at least be yours," he sighed softly letting go of isamus hands as he dug into his pocket grabbing the small box while getting on one knee.

"Your going to do something stupid," Isamu gasped softly with wide eyes as Lotor chuckled nervously remembering those words from their first kiss.

"To be my only love as long as we both live, will you marry me?" Lotor smiled opening the box as isamu covered his mouth seeing a ring inside as there was hope in lotors eyes.

"Of course, yes I'll marry you," Isamu laughed as a tear slid down his face when Lotor slipped the ring on his finger. Lotor laughed loudly as he scooped Isamu up in his arms as they spun in each other's embrace.

"I love you so much," Isamu held his face as he kissed the hybrid passionately.

"I love you too," Lotor kissed his fiancé happily.

Lotor carried him to the bed room as he gently laid Isamu on the bed as their lips danced with each other while Isamu held onto the back of his neck as Lotor felt under his shirt over his slim stomach and toned abs under.

"We're getting married," Isamu gasped pulling away.

"I know, I'm the one that asked," Lotor smiled down at him.

"Yea I know!" Isamu squealed pulling him back for a kiss as Lotor traveled down to his neck and pulled his shirt off and Isamu grabbing the bottom of his own.

"Aren't we suppose to be surrendering?" Isamu giggled but gasped while Lotor kissed his chest to his stomach.

"No, they can wait," Lotor crawled back kissing Isamu deeply as the altean smiled with his hand spread over lotors chest.

"God I love you," Lotor breathed looking down at Isamu.

"I know," he smirked.

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