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"System is almost set, junevive on my call would you like to do the honors?" Lotor looked at the blue haired council woman altean as he had a panel in front of him as there was the sincline built with the three ships together as there was bridges and railings around the weapon as people gathered at the bottom while there was a few alteans with Lotor.

"Of course my lord," Junevive smiled adjusting her glasses as Lotor typed in codes and pulled up a screen where Isamu was.

"Everything is set down here," Isamu smiled.

"Very good love, counting down in thirty tics," Lotor nodded as the blue haired altean smirked at the emperor.

"You and Isamu really are serious," Junevive smiled at him as she put her hair in a bun.

"Yes," Lotor nodded again at her as he was very prideful of their relationship, even thought it's only been a month.

"Good, a strong leader needs a strong partner, a king and queen for example but Isamu isn't exactly a queen..." she laughed a little awkwardly.

"I understand what you mean friend, and I agree, he's my closest friend, and I love him very much," Lotor chuckled at her softly as she smiled back.

"Fifteen tics sir," she counted down.

"Isamu start your part," Lotor told him and Isamu nodded as he was aside from all the other alteans as he was to use his powers to charge up enough energy in the sincline. The council swore an oath to secrecy of isamu's past as he admitted his qualities of being a Druid... and no one said a thing, for isamu's old friends on the council knew but the rest accepted it, they all agreed isamu's powers was an advantage to their colony.

His hands crackled with purple electricity as he placed his palms over a large device as it glowed with the purple energy as it started up and connected to six other large devices as it was width of the sincline.

"There two one, Junevive now," Lotor commanded as she pulled down a lever as the sincline started to glow purple as well while alteans below gasped in awe watching.

Tics passed and suddenly six figures as tall as the sincline faded into view, they where more weapons able to be piloted by one altean as a defense system, the where white metal robeasts with purple light outlines and the eyes of the robeasts head.

Soon they became six solid robeasts weapons activated to be defense system.

"It worked!" Isamu punched the air pulling his hands back as Raik whooped by the crowd of alteans below.

Lotor let out a breath relieved seeing the robeasts lines up behind his sincline, it really worked.

"Raik, next few days we'll be finding pilots, please announce the wonderful news," Lotor told his brother smiling as Junevive sighed happily as it was all a success.


"Hell yea I can't believe it worked!" Isamu ran to Lotor as everyone was back on the ground and cheering at the upgrades their society was making, evolution to the people. Lotor turned to his boyfriend and fell to the ground when Isamu jumped into his arms laughing.

"Lotor it's worked!" Freja jumped excited as the couple laughed on the ground as Freja and Lycus tackles their older brother.

"Can I have one?!" Lycus asked with a bright smile. Isamu snorted as Lotor made a small sound pretending to think if the four year old could have a robeasts.

"Tell you what, Raik gets to choose," Lotor whispered to his baby brother making Freja and Isamu laugh at them.

They all stood again as Lotor held Lycus as people looked at the robeasts in awe as they where only a little shorter than the sincline.

"Do you think they'll work?" Isamu asked standing with the emperor as Raik was explaining to the civilians of piloting and requirements to be able too.

"I really hope they do," Lotor smiled proudly as their hands joined together.

"You know I've never been in a weapon like this," Isamu smirked at his boyfriend judging him a little.

"The sincline is definitely more advance than the robeasts," Lotor nodded.

"Maybe tonight I can show you how so," he wrapped his arm around isamu's shoulders as the altean giggled wrapping his arms around his chest.

"Can I come?" Lycus asked smiling brightly.

"Maybe you can show me another day," Isamu teased as Lotor pressed a kiss to the alteans head and Lycus wrapped his arms around his brothers shoulders smiling seeing the cool looking robots.

"To our saviors!" Isamu punched the air as alteans cheered.

"To our saviors!"

"Please my love," Lotor chuckled as Raik walked over clasping his hand over his shoulder.

"You did it Lotor, you made a home and a empire," Raik told him proudly.

"Their faces is the difference between you and zarkon, their happiness, there respect, is the difference, you work side by side with your people little brother, an equal, not a god, a strong leader among his people," he smiled as Isamu nodded agreeing.

"I couldn't have done it without any of you," Lotor chuckled softly at his family.

"Even you two," he looked at the younger siblings as they giggled.

"I like this home," Freja crossed her arms smiling.

"As do I," Lotor breathed.

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