Day 36

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Lotor grew more worried as days passed and there was doctors that passed to see if Isamu had any improvement but every day was the same as the days turn to weeks to a month. Alteans even have come concerned of what they thought was just another college that was ill but never knowing who Isamu truly was. Paying respects with goods at the front door, some of isamu's old friends came in to visit.

Lotor left to report as the leader the alteans deserved of brought Lycus and Freja to spend time at isamu's as Raik helped with the civilians.

"Maybe if you kiss him he'll wake up," Freja teased as she was playing with a ball next to Lotor as he was doing paperwork.

"Your very funny Freja, why don't you try?" Lotor raised an eye brow at her and Freja made a face.

"I'm telling Raik," she smirked up at her big brother. Lotor chuckled as he set the papers down and caught the ball when Freja threw it at him.

"I don't want you breaking anything little sister," Lotor looked at her smirking and tossed it back.

"I read all the books though, I'm bored," Freja groaned.

"Maybe you could draw something for Isamu, seems to keep Lycus busy," Lotor motioned to the kitchen where there was paper sprawled out and Lycus was on his stomach, focused on coloring.

"I'm not a baby," Freja scoffed.

"I know, your eleven, take advantage and explore before your my age and doing this for eternity," Lotor snorted motioning to his work.

"Okay old man," Freja scoffed walking outside as Lotor glanced back at Lycus as he shuffled his papers of colors.

"You want to go adventure with Freja littlest warrior?" Lotor smiled at him gently.

"Not really... can we practice swords instead?" Lycus gasped excitedly sitting up from the ground.

"You rather train than play?" Lotor raised an eye brow.

"It's like playing, but with you!" Lycus beamed brightly up at him and Lotor chuckled.

"Alright, you run home and grab your blade, I'll meet you there," Lotor told him nodding and Lycus got to his feet and ran outside quickly with a bright smile.

Lotor walked over grabbing the papers that Lycus colored on as there was drawings of stars, the colony, some altean friends Lycus made or even of their small messed up family. Lotor smiled as he put them in a neat pile on the coffee table in isamu's living room. He sighed looking at his friend as Isamu hasn't moved for weeks.

Lotor was worried he'd never wake up, they knew he was stable enough to be left alone as he could breath fine, but Lotor couldn't help but fear if he wasn't there something may happen. Maybe it was his guilt that it was his fault Isamu was in this position.

He sat back down grabbing some extra paper and a pen as he wrote a letter for the altean like many before, he's written one everyday or every time he leaves the cabin for a period of time. In case Isamu woke up, to explain what has happened, what's going on in the colony, where he is in case Lotor wasn't back in time, he didn't want Isamu to be afraid.

Dearest Isamu,
It's day 36 since the accident... if you wake and I am not here, do not fret, I am near my home with Lycus, he's been intrigued with swordsmanship. He spends much time in your kitchen just drawing while I do my work here as well. Rest until I return, I left water on the table for you but wait until my return my dear-

Lotor paused thinking on what to write.

-my dear friend...

Until my return
Yours truest, Lotor

He folded the letter and set it next to the glass of water on the table as he patted isamu's hand gently as they folded over each other on isamu's stomach as it looked like he was only sleeping. It was easier to think that he was sleeping rather than what battle could lay in his mental state.

Lotor gulped a little looking down at the sleeping altean, he watched him for a moment, how delicate he looked but he knew how strong Isamu was, how powerful, strong headed, and determined of a altean he was. Not just some loner in the woods many thought of him to be.

Lotor leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead as he held back isamu's blue hair.

He stood up quickly with wide eyes as he covered his lips shocked at himself but turned bright purple. Thank the ancient stars he was alone and Isamu was unconscious.

Lotor felt his heart speeding up as he breathed quickly through his nose swallowing a lump in his throat leaving the cabin quickly.

He didn't know what came over him. He didn't understand it either, it made his heart speed up even more that he thought was possible at this point, it was truly embarrassing, he couldn't even blame Isamu for his actions, he did nothing but lay there... Lotor blushed harder at that thought. The altean did nothing and he did it anyways, it was ridiculous and unprofessional, he couldn't let anyone know and hope Isamu never found out in the first place.

"What's wrong with me?" Lotor grumbled covering his face as he walked home to 'train' Lycus with his dagger.

The feeling in his gut didn't go away though, he didn't know if it was pleasurable to have or nauseating.

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