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That night alteans gathered with food as some brought music as they went to open land outside of the town under the stars as a fire was started as people laughed and talked with each other happily. Raik laughed as he watched freja and Lycus harass Lotor to dance with them as more and more children did as Lycus hung on his brothers arm and the galra easily held him.

More children jumped trying to get Lotor to lift them as he was about to hold six children who hung onto his arms laughing.

"He's kinda a funky dude isn't he?" Isamu walked over to Raik smirking at Lotors distress and confusion of what was so amusing about it.

"Your the Druid my brother encountered," Raik smiled at him kindly and Isamu bit his lip.

"Don't tell anyone, for the others all know is I'm like them, I've outlived the ones that knew and I like my life now," Isamu explained looking up at him with his dark blue eyes.

"I understand, did Lotor apologize?" Raik asked calmly and he nodded.

"You don't look that altean," Isamu took a moment to study raiks face as there was no facial markings to show the heritage.

"My mother, she's altean, I look a lot like my father as my brother takes after more of our mother," Raik explained simply motioning to Lotor ahead.

"He mentioned about the Paladins of Voltron, has he talked to you about that? The way he attacked me..." Isamu gulped a little as Raik looked at him.

"Not everything, do you know what happened?" He asked the altean.

"He said they hurt him, betrayed him I think," Isamu nodded. "He needs his family,"

Raik frowned a little as he looked at Lotor. He was distraught when they met up to take their family safe, something happened and Lotor refused to say what. But he would find out, sooner or later.

"He really didn't mean harm, Lotor and I grew up differently, he grew up with the empire not knowing the zarkon that was a real father long ago, trust me if he threatens your life then you'll be fine," Raik shrugged a little as his arms crossed across his chest smirking.

"Meaning?" Isamu raised an eye brow.

"Hes broken my jaw,"

"But now he's my best friend, my little brother I thought died with my mother 10,000 years ago," he smiled sadly at the ground.

"But Lotor, he's a good man, misunderstood, if you give him a chance, he will kill for you rather than let anyone he cares about get hurt," Raik looked at the shorter altean that was over a foot shorter than him.

"I don't think killing for someone is necessary," Isamu said flatly.

"When all your life is victory or death, it is," he nodded as Isamu looked at the prince who was suppose to be a warrior, a soldier that only followed orders and to trust a sword to do a job of killing.

But Isamu didn't see that, he saw a caring man with children, a family even if it was only his siblings. It was hard to picture Lotor as a violent man, maybe it was because he was playing with his younger siblings as well as other altean children, maybe because he's so awkward socially? It made Isamu laugh a little because he did see Lotor ready to fight him when he thought he was a spy, but he was just protecting himself from someone who hurt him...

Isamu smiled a little watching the prince, of maybe an emperor soon, he seemed ridiculous as him being 7ft with children barely reaching his waist. Maybe getting to know this Lotor wouldn't be so bad, no ones ever reached out to his home in the woods to do anything, even something so simple as apologizing. There was something odd, difference about the galra hybrid.

"Your a strange one Lotor," he chuckled to himself as Raik didn't hear while people started to dance in a circle laughing and celebrating and Lotor was trying to pull back but Freja yanked him back by the hand laughing at her brothers embarrassment as she forced him to dance with her and Lycus who was cackling.

Isamu laughed a little at them shaking his head.

"Come on mama!" Small Isamu grabbed his mother's hand as she was making dinner with a radio with old music from altea as he was spinning around the room.

"Well look at you, a little dancer?" His mother looked at him smiling at his silliness.

"I like the music mama!" He giggles running into her leg out of breath.

Isamu smiled softly at the memories, music always brought people together. It was a beautiful thing in a culture, to bring unity, to be in sync with people to bond and laugh even if your no good, it was relieving. It was freeing.

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