How they think the world works...

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As the movie finished I snuggled into Andrew to which he smiled cuddling me in his arms.
"Well, I guess the Simpsons movie isn't so bad."
I smiled to myself
"It isn't romantic, at all. But it's a good movie."
"You know I had a vocal role in a Simpsons episode?"
"Yeah, I read it somewhere and watched a clip, it's me alright."
"What episode?"
"Season 30, it's called 'Bart's not dead' I was an actor playing Bart in a movie. It's a lot of me singing."
"Who wouldn't take advantage of that voice?"
"Hey, yours is great too."
"I know but, there's something about the tone when you sing, it's one of my favourite things about you. And there is a long list of things I like about you."
I smiled at him as he continued
"Like, when you were humming upstairs, it was amazing. And you were merely humming to yourself. It's like the theory where everyone has an ideal talent from birth, yours was singing and you found it, many don't in the theory but those who do have great success."
"Where did you read that?"
"Magazine a couple days ago, it makes a lotta sense."
"You do like it when things make sense don't you?"
"Indeed I do, it's satisfying to figure out the exact reasoning behind something. Like you and your washing up."
I nodded, speaking of... I grabbed our empty hot chocolate mugs and walked to the kitchen.
"That wasn't a cue to wash up!"
Andrew shouted as I smiled to myself
"No but it was a reminder!"
I shouted back. Shortly after he walked into the room obviously getting bored of being alone on the couch.
"So you're warm again?"
"Especially in this hoodie."
"I love that hoodie on you, I might keep it here for whenever you come over. It can just be our thing."
"There are a lot of 'our things' being made."
"Indeed there are, and I like it that way. Besides, the hoodie is a change from you always wearing boring suits. I was surprised today when you came in wearing jeans, I didn't know you owned jeans."
"Believe it or not I have been on a runway so I do know about fashion."
"Mhmm. Men wear suits on runways."
He laughed as I went back to washing up.
"So what is it that makes washing up so satisfying? It's a chore, surely."
"To many yes, but to me no. I just like how the bubbles sparkle in the light. And when the dishes and all sparkle too once they're clean."
"So you like sparkly stuff?"
"Well, stuff that looks clean and pristine and well, nice."
He hummed in approval.
"Should I leave the stuff on the rack to dry?"
"Ah yes, there seems to be a dripping wet dishcloth thanks to someone. Wonder who?"
"Shut up you were the best off in that water fight."
"True. You aren't ill are you?"
"Not as far as I can tell."
We walked back into the living room as I saw my phone flashing with notifications of constant missed calls and texts from Lin, jeez it's long after lunchtime where they are.
"I-I'm sorry I really don't want to but I stayed too long and I have to go, is that alright? I'm so sorry I feel really bad now."
"Hey, hey, it's alright. Want me to give you a lift back?"
"Mkay you can find something in my room that looked vaguely like what you wore today and I'll dry that stuff for next time you come round. Just put the hoodie on my bed."
I ran upstairs and got changed knowing how this would look to Lin, Andrew giving me a lift and me wearing Andrew's clothes. There are some pretty strong hints there.
"Okay let's go!"
He drove to Lin's quicker than any Uber had and I thanked him and said goodbye. Turning around to the house I saw Lin walking towards me and he did not look happy.
"Where the fuck have you been? Why are you wearing Andrew's clothes? Did he fuck you at midday? Also was that him giving you a lift back? You could've called me! I had to feed both the kids at lunchtime and you cannot imagine how hard that was, you didn't respond at all to any of my attempts to contact you, unless there is some marvellous excuse you are in deep shit."
"I was with Andrew, I'm wearing his clothes because we had a water fight which he obviously won, we did not have sex or even go upstairs with the intention to, that was him giving me a lift back since I left my phone at the other side of the room while we watched a movie, when the movie ended I realised and had to rush out of the door. I did not text or call you back in the spur of the moment and I am sorry you had to go through all of that stress without me and with both the kids. Welcome to parenthood Lin. I'm not going to always be at your house am I?"
He sighed.
"I'm sorry, I guess I overreacted and you're right. It took me by surprise that's all, have you had lunch?"
"Neither, come on then the kids are playing with their toys inside."

Is Lin mad?

At first he was
but I made some
good points back
so we're fine now.

Good stuff. Already
missing you bby xx

Missing u 2 xx
I turned off my phone and began to eat lunch briefly thanking Lin for making it.
"Were the kids that bad at lunch?"
"Not really, Ariella was upset you weren't there so she was being a diva but Isaac was chill as can be. I bet all the girls will have a crush on him in high school."
"Lin he's three years old."
"Yeah but I just know, is it awkward when your son is better at getting girls than you were?"
"It ain't awkward it's just Old Man Miranda reappearing in the midst."
"Ah, must be."
He chuckled and finished his lunch as I did mine, then happily went to wash up the dishes.

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