One normal night...

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"So, we have many choices. Movie and cuddle? Pillow fight then cuddle? Bake something then cuddle? Talk for hours and hours then cuddle? Or just cuddle?"
I laughed at the pattern between all of the choices.
"Uhh I don't really mind."
"Oh don't be that guest. Pick one, or we'll try do all of them in one night and you'll be exhausted."
"Fine, umm, movie, talk, pillow fight and cuddle."
I blushed
"Hmm I like that very much."
I smiled anxiously eyeing the kitchen, I could only imagine the dishes in there all piled up gathering germs and spreading bacteria throughout the house slowly contaminating -
"- Oh for goodness sake go wash up."
I looked at Andrew who was smiling at me in mock annoyance
"What normal person would stare at the kitchen door with an expression of such disgust? I know the dirty dishes are freaking you out so go."
I smiled rushing out and immediately grabbing the fairy liquid for the clarification it was there.
"You know, I don't think Lin is just gonna hand over the fairy liquid when you go back, you are gonna have to look for it."
I sighed
"I know... it's just the dishes when I get back, they'll have had dinner, supper, breakfast, coffee with breakfast, and that'll be a lot of mugs to wash up and they'll all be piling up on each other and -"
"Wow. This is some serious OCD Lin was talking about wasn't it?"
I nodded
"Was this before you lost your memory?"
"I liked it before, now I'm..."
"A bit obsessed?"
"Well, yeah. But the germs and the sauces people use all mixing and spreading and- "
"- I don't need a lecture. Man I'll have to remember to be careful about that. So, straight after a meal..."
"I'm off to wash up."
"No romantic kisses?"
I looked at him amusingly
"They'll have to wait."
"Hmm. I don't like the sound of that."
I set the dishes on the drying rack and turned to Andrew.
"Ready. What was first again?"
A flash of worry passed through Andrew's eyes.
"Gotcha. Then talk, then pillow fight and all the whole cuddles."
He relaxed as I recited the rest of our activities.
"Yup. I'm not sure if I should let you pick the movie after you chose the Simpsons earlier."
"Hey! You liked it!"
"It wasn't the most romantic of movies though was it?"
"Sucker for a chick flick hmm?"
"Nah but I think you will be."
I rolled my eyes, I've never actually watched a romance film that I can remember so, perhaps I'll like it. How was I to know?
"How about... 50 Shades of Gray?"
I could tell from the cover that it was a bad choice.
"Aww you sure?"
"Yes. Move on."
He smirked and continued scrolling through the movies.
"No kiss list?"
"I dunno"
"It's got a cute gay character..."
He sang in a teasing voice.
"You've already got a lot in common with one of the parts."
I smiled at his smooth compliment and looked at the screen.
"Come on make your mind up."
"If you're gonna be like that we can watch 50 Shades."
"Well at least it's a decision."
He looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"You're cool with watching that?"
"I lost my memory. I don't know what it's about. Time to reboot the system."
"No, we're not watching that."
"You and decisions seem to never get along."
"I don't want to reboot your memory with porn."
"Shhhh! We're not watching it okay? It's fine."
"How about... dead pool?"
"That old one?"
I nodded, he pondered over the thought for a while then smirked.
"Yeah, we'll watch that."
Just before he pressed play he stopped himself then went upstairs yet to return holding the hoodie blanket he got me which I wore earlier that day.
"Well, you putting it on or what?"
I laughed running towards him and reaching for the hoodie but he pulled it away.
"Ah ah ah, give me a kiss first."
"Come on, then I'll hand it over."
Andrew was taller than me so currently he had an advantage in this little game of his.
"Just give it to me."
He replied popping the p. I tried to jump for it making him laugh as he pulled it further away.
"Just one kiss."
I smirked lifting his hand and kissing the back of it.
"You didn't say where hotshot."
He rolled his eyes.
"You win this time. Be careful though, I learn from my mistakes pretty quickly I'll warn you."
"Mhmm great press play."
He rolled his eyes playfully and cuddled me as the opening drum beats sounded. I was always scared of the weird drum beats as a kid because the movie associated them with danger. Right now I could tell the film still had the same effect as I became more hyper aware as the beats continued.
"You alright babe?"
He scoffed
"Don't tell me you're scared already?"
"The drum beats freak me out okay? I'm fine."
He was about to open his mouth to point out I am in fact not fine but stopped himself to watch the movie. Every time the drums sounded he'd hug me tighter to make sure I felt safe, it was sweet that he took note and the rest of the movie passed by with ease. As the credits rolled in, Andrew got up slowly and walked me to the table, lighting candles all around us.
"And now to talk for ages about everything. One of my favourite things to do as the chatterbox I am."
I laughed sitting down on the seat next to him.
"Don't you know everything about me from before I lost my memory?"
"I've gathered you have slightly changed since so it'll be interesting to see if anything is still the same."
I nodded and he began
"Favourite animal?"
"That was quick. Why's that?"
"Well, the fact they fly backwards is cool and they also look really pretty."
"Before you said turtle, but hummingbird suits you better."
I smiled and he continued
"I've never heard you describe something as pretty. I like it, you sound cute when you say it."
I looked away to hide my blush and the questions continued with his occasional comments on the side. A few short minutes turned into hours of getting to know more about each other as I tried to hide a yawn.
"Awww are you tired babe?"
"A bit, I'm fine though it's not like I'll just fall asleep wherever. And you're not keeping me up I'd rather be here than asleep upstairs, so, don't think that I don't want to be here with you."
"Hey! I don't mind! Why don't you find a programme to watch while I cook dinner hmm?"
I nodded moving to the sofa as he went to the kitchen. It wasn't a surprise that none of the programmes appealed to me. I'd never really liked the usual series that are on display, I much prefer movies and live theatre. I spent so long flicking through the channels that I didn't notice Andrew watching from the doorway.

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