Life would be enchanted...

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As I dried off my hands the doorbell rang and I heard Andrew walk towards the door. All I could think was how smart it was to get changed into normal clothes when I woke up. Imagine Lin seeing me in the hoodie which I wore last night! Anyway, I walked out to see Andrew letting Lin into the house to my surprise.
"Cup of tea? Coffee?"
Lin looked at the dishcloth in my hands amusingly and replied
"No thank you, wouldn't want to lose Jon again."
For some reason, although it started as a mere joke I felt singled out as they talked about my washing up habit. They know I can't control it so why do they always criticise me? I was still mad at Lin for embarrassing me last night and now he's embarrassing me again. Knowing my manners however I sat in silence as they continued to chat.
"You okay Jon?"
It didn't take me by surprise that Andrew noticed
"I'm fine, are we off now?"
Andrew blinked taking my comment by offence but I remained still, he'll figure it out. Lin however was completely oblivious.
"Someone's a bit rushy! Is it the washing up at home? You still need to find the fairy liquid!"
He taunted as I stood up and left the house to get in the car, Andrew chased after me followed by Lin but I shut the door and stayed in there unwilling to talk any further. My phone then lit up shortly after

I'm sorry, I knew
how insecure you
were but kept on,
forgive me? Xxx

At least you noticed
I forgive you, I'm
mad, but I forgive

Lin will eventually
catch on. Even you
said he's stressed
out. Xxx

He's known me
longer than the
kids ._.

Yes, but you can
fend for yourself.
Forgive him for
me? Please?

I never thought you'd
even suggest that! I'll
forgive him. Only for
you though x

Thanks babe x

I shut off my phone as they both walked out of the house, Andrew shoving his phone into his back pocket. Lin remained oblivious entirely nattering in about god knows what until he got in the car.
"What was all that about?"
"You were in a hurry to leave!"
"I actually had a great time, the conversation you two were having made me want to leave."
"We were just joking!"
He chuckled as I stayed silent, Lin caught on and turned the volume of the radio up and we sat in silence the entire way home.
"The kids are at their grand parents. Your mum wants to visit you as well, I don't know why but she'll be here in a few minutes so get ready."
"Why is she coming?"
"Her arrangement, not mine."
He walked into the study shutting the door behind him and I rolled my eyes going up to get changed and ready for the day. I felt a bit dizzy for some reason, perhaps from a lack of energy after last night but I still managed to get downstairs in time for the doorbell ringing, I went to open the door but Lin stopped me saying I needed to sit down for this. Confused, I went to the living room, didn't he say he had no idea what she was here for?
"Hello! Jon is in the sofa in the living room, I'll be in my study if you need me."
My mother greeted him as she entered the house and started to walk towards where I was.
"Hello Jonathan. I'm so sorry, so so sorry."
I looked at her in confusion, then my eyes darted to the unfolded letter in her hands. I sent that letter ages ago and it must have just come through, I panicked not wanting her to know what happened, my secret becoming less and less a secret as I felt more and more exposed.
"It's okay, we'll be okay, it's all okay."
I took a deep breath in.
"I love him mum."
She paused
"I know."
"He said he's changed, we've been meeting up a lot, I spent a night round his two days ago."
She turned to look at me as if I was stupid.
"When I, when I wrote that letter, I was in a difficult place in my life. I still am but I've grown since, I've had surgery to jumpstart my memory and have now lost the flashbacks to a degree. I still don't know. But he appears to have changed and, I may be falling for it again but I believe him this time."
She sighed
"I love you Jon, I don't know if you're making the right decision here but it seems like you've worked it all out so I'll support you nonetheless."
I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"How, how did you cope? You are so strong Jonathan, I'm so proud but why didn't you tell me?"
"I was embarrassed. It was so quick I felt like it was stupid to catch feelings and get them crumbled beneath me. I should've seen it coming like everyone else did but I didn't listen."
"And he's gone to jail yes?"
"But he's back out."
She nodded silently
"Well, now I know, I feel like we can talk more like we used to. Ever since this happened you stopped talking to me as much and it hurt to lose the connection I had with my son. Perhaps a day our or something to have fun together?"
I smiled
"I'd like that very much."
"This Andrew, I don't want to meet him until I have to. If he's asking me if he can propose at least. I don't want to meet my son's rapist at all frankly."
Her mouth formed a thin line as she looked into the distance.
"Anyway, I'm having lunch with friends in ten minutes so I best be off. I love you Jonathan, remember to reach out to me whenever you want yes?"
She hugged me and I led her to the door, waving as she left.
"Hey, what was that about?"
Lin said walking out of his study.
"I told her."
"I told her everything."
"I-Is she okay with it? Does she hate me for not saying anything? Does she love you? Does she forgive Andrew?"
"She's supportive, she doesn't hate you, as far as I know she still loves me and she absolutely hates Andrew. She said she doesn't want to meet him unless he's asking whether or not he can propose to me."
He laughed
"Sounds like your mother alright. I'm gonna walk Tobi, wanna come?"
He smiled and opened the door.

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