Nothing to say...

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Detailed rape description. If you are more prone to be triggered by this please skip this chapter.

"Hush babe, let Sir have some fun"
I laughed trying to push him off me, I'd love to but I wasn't in the mood. It had been too much of a rough day and I don't want to just rely on sex to cheer me up.
"Come on Andy"
I attempted to laugh pushing him off of me. He pinned my arms above my head digging his nails into my skin.
"That's Sir to you."
His eyes had not only darkened, they were almost black. I tried to wriggle my arms to relieve the pain of his nails digging in to my skin but he just clenched his fist harder causing my arms to hurt more.
"Trapped. Feeble. Poor little baby all alone having to please Sir with no one to call for help."
Tears were brewing in my eyes as I felt my wrists bleeding from his nails. He began to leave bruises on my neck and bit the tender skin after, hard. I squirmed in pain as his eyes darkened more - I was trapped now and just had to hope it'd all be over soon. I tried to move my head to stop him from attacking my neck so brutally but, with the hand that wasn't holding my wrists he pushed my head into the mattress hard causing my neck to be on full display and I couldn't do a thing to stop the pain. He then removed himself from me entirely and I moved to comfort my wrists that were still bleeding - worryingly quite a lot too. He seemed to notice and smiled a dark twisted smile
"Is my little baby in pain? Sir will make you feel much much better don't worry. As you said. I'm showing you 'who's boss'"
I gulped as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head to his crotch forcing me to pleasure him. It hurt to move my head since my neck was so bruised, I tried to pleasure him slowly as he liked it but almost immediately he grabbed my hair and started forcing me to deep throat him. Tears were flowing down my face from my gag reflex as I was pushed onto him repeatedly while struggling to breathe between. I eventually managed to push myself off as I had a large choking fit spitting out phlegm and all sorts. I dared to look back up at Andrew to see him glaring down at me.
I didn't know what was going on - earlier today we were joking around and now it's as if I'm just a toy to him. I knew I had to get out but I couldn't move without fear.
"Get on the bed."
"W-What are you doing?"
"Call me sir you slut."
No one has ever called me that in my lifetime till now. Sure I've been called names but not that far. I tried to stand and walk away but he grabbed me on my wrist ripping apart the sealed wounds from earlier causing me to yell in pain. His hand stayed gripped around my wrist as he pulled me towards him so my ear was next to his mouth as he growled.
"Bed. Now."
I slowly walked towards then lied down on the bed cradling my bleeding wrist. The cuts were deep and to prevent blood loss I'd have to go along with it. I looked up at the man I once thought as my lover and saw nothing but darkness staring down at me.
"W-What are you going to do to me?"
"So fragile. I'm going to break you."
Suddenly a bright light washed over the room and I was in a hospital bed. I saw a doctor and nurses all around me looking relieved and him. I immediately shuffled away on the bed but my head hurt so much I had to stop. I had cuts on my wrist that looked like they had just been made. He looked down at my wrist and a brief recognition flashed across his eyes.
"You monster."
He attempted to comfort me but thought against it and excused himself from the room as the nurses began to ask me questions on how I felt and were taking my blood pressure. The doctor immediately began to fix up the wounds on my wrist, placing bandages over each one and asked me who I wanted to call to take me home since he had left already. I whispered 'Lin' under my breath as my throat hurt too much to speak. My eyes started to close again as I saw the nurses begin to rush around me.
I lay on the bed watching Andrew leave and hearing the back door click shut. I could barely turn my head and my arms hurt too much to move. Dried blood and tears soaked the bedsheets that I struggled to lift myself up from. My arms shook lifting my upper body and a cut reopened in my left wrist, my entire arm collapsed beneath my body weight. In a seated position I took a moment to breathe and hold back any tears - my throat hurt to cry. It took at least ten minutes to begin walking as my legs shook so much and I was in too much pain - I called a taxi to Lin's house and even sitting inside hurt. It hurt to breathe.
I opened my eyes to see Lin crying next to my hospital bed. I was wheezing and unable to calm down my breathing pace. I weakly smiled as he sobbed
"What have you done Jon? What have you done?"
He was staring at my bandaged up wrists, he already knew my state since the hospital must have told him on the call.
"I-I'm so so-rry"
I wheezed out as he put his hand on my shoulder smiling in sympathy. My breathing pace sped up as I remembered how I was pinned down to the mattress. The nurses immediately removed his hand off of me and took him aside to explain while the staff checked my heart rate. I began to sob, now no one could touch me, I would never feel a hug the same way or even a tap on the shoulder. He said he would break me. I'm in pieces.

Don't hesitate to reach out for help if any sort of sexual assault or rape case has happened to you. Attached are the phone number and website of a charity which offers support whether or not you wish to have the case reported.
0808 801 0818

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