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Scared, Terrified, Cold, Hopeless, Useless, Unwanted, Alone

That's what Sooyoung experienced in the span of her 18 years.

She's always scared of her family. She always been terrified how her family act in front of the public and how her family act when they're alone with her. She been always given a cold shoulder by her family, therefore they always with each other to warm themselves but always her who in the end feel cold. She always been hopeless when one of her family member hit or abuse her, knowing she don't have anybody to protect her. She always feel useless when she around her clever sisters and brothers. She always feel unwanted by the treatment she received from her parents. She always felt alone although there's so many people around her and want to be her friend because of her money.

Now she's tired. She's tired from the treatment she got. She's tired with the cold shoulder act from her family. Tired of feeling useless, hopeless, unwanted and alone. She want to be brave. She want to gain confidence. She want to make people bow to her as if she's a queen.

She ran away. Away from the house. Away from her family. Away from the fake people who only wanted her money, status. Away from her living nightmare.

4 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛.....

Her heels clinked against the marble floor. She still remembers her past, unfortunately. The gum on the mouth, she slightly blow and bite it making the balloon make a 'pop' sound. Her family had drop down from the high place they at.

Her father's great and almighty company goes bankrupt a year ago. So the old man needs to married his precious daughter to an old but rich man. Her older sister. Yoo Soo Jee. The oldest of 6 siblings. And she is the youngest. She's 6th child, or should she be.

Well scratch that just 5 siblings. She is adopted. She only know that two years ago. Her real name is Park Soo Young not Yoo Soo Young, and for the first time she actually glad that her name sounds good to her own ears.

[A/N] Sorry if there's actually someone named Yoo Soo Young reading this. Your name is great and this is just a ff.

Her adopted second oldest sister had to marry a very 'loyal' and rich CEO. What's great is, this girl is the one who always hit or abuse her whether she gets drunk but now she got it back from her so called husband. Not only when he is drunk, he also do it when he feel likes it.

Now she is on the way her former adopted family house. There's something that she want to do there. As she thinks that, she smirks. Now is the right time to play back just how they did with her.

𝙹𝚘𝚢'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

As I stepped out from my lamborghini the butler's eyes is wide opened. Maybe shock from her transformation or shock from the sudden appearance of her, don't know maybe the all above. Some were smiling, some were glaring and some were tearing up.

Apparently the one who smiling and tearing up come at me and hug me, even the head butlers and maid. The one who were glaring just rolled up their eyes and tried to forced a smile. I rolled my eyes and just walk. All of the butlers and maids that hated are also the one who join the bullshit of the family on abusing me. Secretly being the one to push and encourage them to abuse me more and more.

How do I know? Well if I think back then, i suddenly felt so stupid and naive. How they always fed me something so disgusting is a fact that i, myself can't comprehend.

I know all of them seems curious on who was coming since there was obviously a pair of heels clicking. I walk to the living room where all of my dearest family sit on. Yoo Suk, my father stare at me with anger and hatred once I show myself. Obviously trying to make me scared.

Instead I just stood ther flashing my sweetest fake smile on them. I walk past Yoo Suk and sit at the sofa after wiping it with the handkerchief I always brought. Well, you can never be so sure that everything is clean in this big and.... straight up gross house.

"Joy? How can you just walk past father and not bow to him? Have you forget all his deeds on raising you?" Chaerin, the oldest says with fake disbelief and only full of malice. I snorted 'grossly' as to them "Yeah, raised me to get beaten up" I said sweetly. Then, I turned to her. Smirking I said "Chae Rin unnie, how's your life with your dearest husband?" Purposely adding a bit too much sweetness and fakery on my tone, my smirk grew wider as her face reddened.

Then I turned to my 3rd older sister, Chae Yoo. "Chae Yoo unnie, how's your dearest loyal husband too?" I said , her face becomes red as she stood up with full of rage.

"How could you be so rude! So this is the effect the street gang give you!" She said.

My face grew cold when she mention them. I stood up causing her to step back until she fall down to the couch, sitting again. I crouch down in front of her legs, until my eyes are below her level, i take a little bit of her hair in my hand and twirling it slowly "If not for street gang you mention earlier, i'll still be beaten by you dip shits"

I stood up, releasing her hair from my grip and eyed Chae Yoo's white pale skin. My former mother, Katherine ; yes she is a foreigner that claims to be a full Korean with a little bit of American blood in her, just glare at me from a far. Suddenly a hand pull my arm away from Chae Yoo and without a moment for me to blink, a hand came in contact at my cheeks, hard.

A metallic taste can be taste in my mouth, blood. Chae Yoo, Chae Rin, Katherine and my two adopted older brother smirk. I slap the person who slap me back. The person fall down kissing the floor. I wiped my blood using my hand sleeves. My oldest brother, Tae Jung.

"Ahh, you're making me annoyed with this bullshits. Fuck" I groan and roll my eyes. They eyed Tae Jung who's at the floor. "There's nothing unsettled between this. You just an adopted daughter. You have no rights on the money or anything we make!" Katherine said.

I clap my hand as I laugh. "Such a good joke" I said after calming down from the laughter.

My laughter died and is replaced by a scowl causing their faces go a little bit pale. "Yoongi come in" A man which is not too tall come inside with Yoongi. Yoongi sat him down on a couch that I once sit on.

Yoo suk pale face becomes more pale as he saw the man, his past lawyer, Lee Myeon. I eyed Lee Myeon, remembering his face for futere occasion. "So, I think you know this man right?" I said then snort "Sorry, my fault, I'm aware that you know this man but you still remember this face, right?" I corrected.

"Am I right?" I ask to Lee Myeon. He quickly nodded as I know he wanted to get out of this situation.



Sooo..... I'm so sorry for not updating as I am really (bad boy) busy with school this year, as I just started high school this year. If you guys are having a hard time and want to achieve something, please don't give up. I will support you guys even though I don't know who you guys are. If you hate someone please don't hate on 'em, don't do anything. If its unbearable tell someone who you feel safe with, who you trust. Like some people said 'Don't say anything if you don't have something nice to say' cause my friend is being hate by an anonymous at the insta and she's having self conscious about it although I convinced her not to trust 'em. But tysm for reading this boring chapter.

I LOVE YOU GUYS! ~ Shintaehee

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