For Eternity

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The door bell dings, signaling that a customer just enter the shop. Wendy perked up, her eyes brightening "Hi! Welcome to La Rouge, what can I do for you?" 

Despite the customer wearing a black hooded cape and has a gloomy aura, Wendy maintain her bright smile as her hawk eyes watch the customer carefully. The customer let down her hood as she walk to the counter. "Where's Irene?" Wendy's bright smile immediately faltered as she roll her eyes and sit back down behind the counter, looking bored.

"Office" Wendy said monotonously as she observe her nails, "Why? Got your ass hunted by the hunters again?" She joked. The customers grin, "Even if they wanted to kill me, they can't, if they chop me piece by piece my flesh will find each other again remember?" 

Wendy gag, "Oh my god, please don't remind me of that anymore, I puke my meals after Irene chop you pieces by pieces before" The customer grin as she put down her cape on the rack reserved for staff.

"Yeah, Irene already know I wouldn't die anyway, anyways glad to see you're not dead Wendy. I'm going to see Irene now, see ya" She wave. Wendy wave back, "Glad not to see you torn pieces by pieces too Joy"


"What do you want" The eldest of the two ask. The silver head girl shrug her shoulders, "Nothing, it's been too long since I've not seen your wrinkles, where's Seulgi and Yeri?" Joy ask. Irene sigh as she sort up the letters in her desk "Yeri is in college, Seulgi is still at her dance class. If you don't have anything better than sitting her and looking like a decoration, help me pick up Yeri and Seulgi"

The silver head girl nod and took out a black dagger. The blade to it's hilt is pure black as if it was made by the darkness. Joy silently look at Irene as she calmly took the dagger and observe it. Joy watch with cold eyes when Irene shake and tremble as if it was a normal occurrence, when Irene done trembling, Joy toss her a water bottle.

Irene drink and heave a sigh before holding her palm towards Joy. Joy roll her eyes before taking out a black card. Irene manage to scan the card and handing it out to Joy. "So?" Joy ask, leaning her cheek against her fist. 

"The dagger is older than you. Tougher than the dagger that you always use" Joy eyebrows twitch. The dagger that she's using now is one of the toughest dagger she ever used, given by her..... well, she stole it.

"What do you mean by tougher than the dagger I'm using?" Joy ask. Irene clear her throat, "It's been through a lot, killed countless of people. The dirty blood of witches, vampires and other creatures have stained it. The dagger absorb any blood it was given. The dagger have it own life. Person who is strong enough will be selected to be it's owner. And apparently, you're the 3rd owner of this dagger" 

"This dagger choose me?" Joy said. "Yes" Joy scoff and shot the dagger a dirty glace at the dagger. "It's ugly, I don't want it" Almost immediately, the dagger change it's appearance to a more beautiful self. It's previous black hilt is changed to a black leather hilt. It's rusty blade change to a chrome black, almost purple if you look sideways. 

Joy smirk, "Hm, it listen well, good" Joy grin as she snatch the dagger. As she was touching and looking the dagger, her hand was pricked by the dagger and blood gushed out, covering the dagger's blade. In a speed visible to naked eye, the blood was absorbed by the dagger. Irene smile lowly "Now it completely become yours" Joy chuckle and shake her head, the cut on her fingers healing instantly.

She stand up, going to pick Yeri and Seulgi up "After you pick them up, drop them off at home then buy some groceries, I have made a list, it's in your pocket" Irene said without looking at Joy as she continue to stacking the letters.

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