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Joy stare at the ceiling blankly the reflection of the flashback kept on appearing in her mind.

"Hush baby, she's asleep"  Jimin's soft but playful voice said as he is unaware how Joy is now fully awake with their whispering. The girl giggle before it turns into a full course of moaning, grunting and groaning. As they're how Joy cried silently the rest of the time they did it.

Single tear began to fall from her eyes. She doesn't expect this, she truly didn't expect how Jimin, the one that is very loyal when they start their relationship is now cheating on her. And that is very bold to do it in the same room, while she's sleeping. Seeing this she could just only imagine how much times he did it again and again when she's out or unaware of this thing happening.

She hate it, the feeling of helplessness. The feeling of being betrayed. Yes, it's been a week since it happening and now even Jimin is asking her whether she's healthy or not with a genuine worries in his eyes.

But even now she is doubting the real intention behind those eyes that had once betrayed her.

She did think this, over and over again, and she know that she couldn't stay with him. For both him and her own good. She could be free from the pain and he could be with anyone that he wishes for. It's a win-win situation.

Right now, she just need to confront Jimin on leaving him as she had pack her stuff earlier that she had planned, and surprisingly, Jimin didn't even noticed the luggage that standing closely to the closet or how there is none of her clothes inside of their previously shared closet.

Sighing, she knew she had to do this sooner or later. It's about time for Jimin to come home, all giddy to maybe see her. For the last time it is.

"Honey!" Jimin's happy voice echo through the house as Joy subconsciously clench her hands as bloody crescents appeared on her palm.

She is too soft for him, but she knows she needs to be stern of her desicion. Sighing softly, she make her way downstairs and the sight of Jimin sitting peacefully on the sofa greet her.

Jimin opens one of his eyes but then it disappear when he smiles brightly at her "Babe!" He jump and rush to her, immediately hugging her.

"I miss you, i miss you so much, don't you miss me?" He said while pouting, unnoticed of Joy whose tense the moment he touch her.

"Babe?" He called, heads tilting to see her "Jimin, let's-" She stop, exhaling loudly as she push him away from her.

"Let's break up" Jimin tense as he scanned her face "W-what why?" Stuttered Jimin, eyes  wide as he stares at her, trying to find any joke or laughter hidden in her eyes or expressions.

"I-i can't" She said "I-I've overheard you and another girl last week, and i know that i couldn't trust you now since you've broke my trust the moment you even touch her with the intentions other than work. I-It's a win-win situation, you'll get to be with who you ever want and i'll be free" She said.

Jimin tense when she says that, his precious Sooyoung had know him with another woman. He's stupid, really stupid. Stupid as too why would he cheat on her when he have a certain angel waiting for him in this beautiful house?

"I-i" Joy stops Jimin by kissing him and he respond the moment her lips touch his. She felt how desperate and scared Jimin is, how their tears mix with their saliva, how she is hurting. But she knew this is for the best.

"I'm sorry baby, but this is for the best. I love you" She says, kissing his forehead for the last time and going upstairs to take her belongings.

Jimin couldn't do anything, heck he didn't even know what to say. He could just stare longingly at Joy whose leaving. Just when the sound of the car leaving did he react. Scrambling to the door to see the car driving further and further from his grip.

"Joy-" He fall, to his knees as he stares at his hand, his dirty hand. His hand that hold other women's body, other women's hand. He rapid and repeatedly hit his head saying 'stupid' again and again. Angry tears flowing down his ethereal face.



It's now been two years since Jimin and her met. They didn't even talk on social media. But Jimin is not her worries now. She now has a boyfriend, and loving at that. She got a dream job and a healthy amount of friends.

The moment a pair of hands wrap around her waist, she immediately giggle, knowing who the owner is. Kim Tae Hyung. The man that she holds dearly to her heart as him too.

The said man nuzzle his nose at Joy's neck, earning a quick giggle from her. He smiles widely and stand properly before turning her to him and attack her with his passionate kisses.

"So, what're you gonna do now?" He says after the kiss, slowly stroking her sides. Joy hummed "Don't know taking a walk maybe?" Taehyung smile at her.

"Okay then, be safe, i'm going to head to work" He kisses her. Joy nod softly "Be careful"

"I will"


"Goodbye" Joy wave as she walks back to her home. She only spends her time reading, watching tv or cooking but she is open if any of her friends are taking her out.

It's dark and it's better if she rushes home. But she heard a footsteps near her. Coming closer and closer.

Joy goes to any allies, going any ways to confused him until he is following her no more. Just when she's about to release a relief sigh. A hand grab her wrist as she's slammed on the wall with a loud yelp.

"Jimin?" She let's out, eyes wide as she stare at her former lover. He's change, his cute face is now more masculine but still held a faint hint of feminine. But the things that change the most is his eyes, it looks a little bit, crazy?

"W-what are you doing here?" Joy stutter but Jimin didn't reply but instead buries his face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

"J-Jimin?" "I want you back" He said "I want us together again, just please let me have a second chance" "J-Jimin-" "Please!"

"I have a boyfriend!" She yell, trashing to let Jimin's grip on her loose "I have a boyfriend and i won't let you ruin that!" She glares.

"What?" Jimin's left eye twitch but Joy didn't seem to notice this "Please, just move on, i have a boyfriend now. But if you still wants me in your life then let just be friends" She said.

Jimin nods slowly "Okay" Joy sense something wrong but choose to ignore it "See you later Jimin" But did she know she just make a mistake.

A sharp pain could be felt at her back back as she slowly gasping for air. Little blotches of blood escaping her mouth.

She fell forward but was caught by a certain familiar arms "W-what? W-why?" She choke out as black dots start appearing in her sights "I-i'm sorry, i just need to do this. You aren't meant for other. You're meant for me but still you choose him... You only had two choices in life, which is staying with me or die" He said as he stroke Joy's lovely face that is decorated by red liquid.

"My lovely Joy, even on the brink of death did she look so beautiful" He says as he cradles Joy's face in his tiny palms. He kissed her forehead tenderly before standing up and stabbing himself on the stomach repeatedly until he couldn't and fall beside his Joy.

He deserves this. For killing Joy, for hurting other people. He deserves this, but in the end, he is the one who won. The one who get to be with her, even until their death.

"Rest well my lovely Joy"

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