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Blood splattered against the rough grey wall, the victim was slammed to the wall hard "Touch my girl again, see if you can touch anything again" Taehyung says as he pressed the sharp knife against the man's wrist, he pull away from the man, wiping...

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Blood splattered against the rough grey wall, the victim was slammed to the wall hard "Touch my girl again, see if you can touch anything again" Taehyung says as he pressed the sharp knife against the man's wrist, he pull away from the man, wiping his hand on his jacket in a disgusted manner.

Even if he says that, it is a doubt the man can walk or live seeing how Taehyung broke his jaw and how much Taehyung severed his legs. Taehyung stretch his neck and shoulder and tense when a delicate hand rest on his shoulder.

"Tae?" The very familiar voice is heard behind him, he turn slowly to see his girlfriend's confused face, she look behind him and an immediate anger is visible on her face. She glare at him before walking away from him. 

Taehyung helplessly run after her "Joy, baby, Stop!" He shout for her. Joy abruptly stop and turn to Taehyung, she slap him  hard on the cheek a few times, making him bleed. "I'm not playing this game with you!" She scream.

But Taehyung did not think so and hug her tightly, ignoring his bleeding mouth. He lick the blood and grin silently, he always like when Joy becomes violent with him, it just show him how much she loves him. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the man was watching inappropriately and he touch your butt, you know I don't like that" Taehyung pouted beside her ears. Joy's hand formed a claw and scratch Taehyung's chest making him bleed again, she punch his chest a few more times before going limp in his arms. 

Her arms went around his waist and she buried her face in his neck "Stop that or I'll really kick you in the ass" She says and lay her head on her head on his shoulder, slowly stroking his back.

Taehyung sway both of them left to right slowly "Let's go home?" Joy hummed, agreeing.


Joy slowly stretch her arms above her head, groaning at the sound of satisfying pop from working so long. her time relaxing is cut short when her annoying ; in a bad way, co-worker come.

"Joy!" A slightly higher pitch voice call her. Joy heave out a long frustrated sigh.

Just why the fuck won't she leave me alone?

She roll her eyes before turning to the female with a believing fake smile, "Yes, Sofia?" She reply with an annoyed voice that is covered with the slight high tone. "Hi Joy! I just want to ask you when do your boyfriend is picking you up" Sofia said with a smile.

Joy's smile turn more rigid when she hear that, her eyes turn dangerous as she glare at Sofia softly. "In 2 hours, why?" "I want to ask you if you want to accompany me to the new café across the building for you know, a little chat" Sofia said, laughing.

Joy lick her lips as she smile with fakery "Sure" "Okay thanks Joy!" Sofia gleamed at her. "Let's go?" Sofia ask when Joy didn't move. 

"Oh yeah sure, go first I still have to sort something, I'll be quick" Joy reason, Sofia nod and walk away. Joy reach her bag and text Taehyung. 

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