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"It's the seventh time already Jungkook, just go!" Joy groan out at him with a smile. Jungkook however just stare at her, not convinced enough to leave her alone.

"Than how would you-" "I'll be just fine, bunny. I can call one of the nurse to help me in the midnight. You should go home and take a shower because you stinks as hell" She said, scrunching  her nose at him while he giggle adorably.

"No thanks, i'm more comfortable in these, besides i'm too lazy to go back home and come here" Jungkook shrug. Joy shake her head "Then what will sooyeon say about this. I'm sure she'll be pissed off if you spend more time with me than your own girlfriend" She chuckle, trying hard not to show her true feelings about him having a girlfriend.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind-" "ripping off my hair off my scalp yes. Now go before i'm telling the doctor to kick you out" Joy say seriously.

Jungkook worriedly furrowed his eyebrows before releasing a defeated sigh. "Okay then" He said, standing up and walk closer to Joy whose sitting at the headboard of her bed.

"Call me for anything or if anything happens okay? I love you" He said kissing her forehead gently and stroking her soft cheeks in his big palm before turning to go out.

He turn again to see Joy but she just wave with a soft smile at him.

When he's gone, Joy weakly drop her hand "He didn't meant it in that way" She whisper before a lone tear escape from her closed eyelid.


"Hey what's up?" Jungkook ask, as soon as he march into the big thankfully not white room.

"The boring grey black ceiling" Joy grumble. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook ask.

"Nothing, it just this day has been rubbing me off more than the other day. I just wake up with a terrible mood" She says. Jungkook purse his lips before his beautiful charming smile show it's existence.

" Kiwi, how about we do something different today?" He say slyly at her.

"What?" Joy ask, her body sitting up straighter in interest. "Oh you know, the usual" Jungkook drag the last word slyly as he glance at her mischievously.

Joy chuckle at him "You and your shit always manage to do crazy thing and not get in trouble" Jungkook roll his eye at her "Oh come on, it's not like you're the one who does bot teach me this shit" He nudge Joy a couple of times before she broke into a fit of bright smile and yes's .


Joy and Jungkook laugh while clutching their hand on their stomach as they remembered the scenes of them turning and avoiding any doctor and nurses.

"Yo you sure this okay? If not i can-" "Nah i'm okay, i can stand a couple of hours out of the hospitals. It ain't like my life is depending on a life support" Joy shrug at him.

Jungkook nod muttering a small 'okay' as he start the car.

Driving to the dine where they've been spending their most of their life with it, they open a song that both of them like seeing as they had a pretty much similar taste in song and singing along with it.

Jungkook screaming on top of his lungs as Joy giggle and laughing open mouthed at him all the way. They also choose to sing a duet but ended up dancing like a weirdo all the time.

By the time they're done, it's evening already and Joy could feel the pain on her stomach. But since Jungkook so happy eating ttoekbokki, She just decide to ignore it despite knowing fully well what it is.

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