Part 1 - 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓚𝓲𝓭

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"Are they both your first names?"~*~Word Count: 747

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"Are they both your first names?"
Word Count: 747

"I'd like to welcome our newest student today.  Ms. Kathryn Kennedy!  She recently moved here from Oregon and she will be joining us here at Midtown Tech!"  The teacher rambled on and on.

Sorry, I should introduce myself.  I'm Kathleen Stark, adoptive daughter of Tony Stark, or as these people will know me, Kathryn Kennedy, the new girl who just moved from Oregon to Queens, New York.  Yikes... It's not that I don't think I'll fit in here or anything, I actually am pretty smart and I love science and robotics almost as much as the man who adopted me does.  I just hate being the new kid.  Then again, I've never been the new kid... let me clarify.  I've been homeschooled ever since I was seven when Tony first rescued me from HYDRA.  Tony thought that since I've been feeling a bit more outgoing it'd be a good idea to send me to high school.  I guess I can't blame him, there are lots of other new kids... that are a lot more outgoing than me.  Of course, by the second day, they all already made it in with "the cool kids".  I, am proud to say that from the moment I walked into this school I fit perfectly in with... the nonexistent kids.  The ones that few might know exist, but none talk to.  Well, today one person talked to me. 

I was walking through the hallway switching glances between my schedule and my map.  Some kid in front of me was on his phone and then BAM!  We slammed into each other!  I was very graceful and managed to also drop every book I was carrying and everything he was carrying.

"Shoot!  I'm so so so so so so so so SO SORRY!!!"  I pressed as I scrambled to pick up my books.  The boy I knocked over started to pick up the books and papers as well.

"It's fine!  It's fine..." he paused for a moment as he stared at me.  I glanced up.  "I... I..." I felt my face burn red and I quickly start organising my papers and his.  He cleared his throat and helped me organise the papers again.  "Sorry!  I don't know what happened back there!  I'm Park-" he stuttered and then blushed.  "Nope.  That's not right."  Then tried again.  "I'm Peter Parker."

I chuckled, "Are they both your first names?"

"What?"  He chuckled.

"Sorry, I just think it's funny that your last name could be a first name, because well... I'm Kathryn Kennedy!"  We chuckled.

"Is that your first name?"  He joked.  And we stood up, trading papers.  "Sorry, by the way.  I was on my phone and got distracted."

"I was looking at my schedule and this map... which is... leading to another dimension it seems!"  I awkwardly laughed.  I felt a bit less awkward when he laughed too and looked at my schedule.

"Well, I may just be a freshman, but let me see if I can help."  He scanned my schedule muttering to himself.  "It's a A-Day and it's 2nd period... so... A-ha!  You have English!  That's awesome!  I do too!"  He looked like he had I lightbulb go off in his head.  "YOU'RE THE NEW GIRL!"  I blushed. 

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, sorry!  I thought I recognised you from somewhere!  It must have been when the teacher introduced you.  It also looks like we're in the same Spanish and Biology classes so that must be it!"


"Hey, no worries! Um..." he glanced around.  "Shoot, where's Ned?!"  He muttered.


"I can walk you to class, and if you want, I can introduce you to my friend, Ned?"

"Really?!  Yeah!  That'd be great!" 

"Awesome!  Okay, English is... this way!"

And that's how I met my first friend!  And then my second, Ned Leeds, Peter's best friend.  They aren't the most popular people in school, but I don't care.  They're nice and funny and smart.  That was when school kind of turned around for me. 

A/N: Sorry this one's so short!  First part jitters, I guess!  Hopefully they'll start getting longer and longer as I get more confident with my writing!

P.S. I have dyslexia so if there are misspelled words, could you just correct them and move on?  I don't need to get daily reminders of my sucky spelling, but if you could just kindly correct me, I'd really appreciate it!

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