10 Years Later :: Harry Potter

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It was a decade since the battle of Hogwarts took place. Innocent lives were lost while saving the life of the Chosen One. Who just so happens to be my husband. Harry Potter, the boy who lived was saved by his friends at Hogwarts, regardless if they were naiive first years or if they were alumni like Oliver Wood or Percy Weasley who came back to fight the battle.

Even Draco Malfoy helped Harry in a way, and there has been peace between the two who were once enemies. In fact, Draco and his wife Astoria Greengrass was invited to our wedding and they gladly attended.

Harry and I had started dating in the second year of our Hogwarts years, we were together through it all, and the day after the battle, he popped the question, which I graciously accepted. Harry and I were a lot like one another, we both came from rather poor backgrounds. Harry's parents were murdered which caused him to live with his nasty uncle and aunt and cousin. While I was abandoned by my family once they discovered I was different and had magical abilities. During my first year, I didn't have many friends, in fact Fred and George Weasley were my only two friends, and they introduced me to the Golden Trio, and that's when Harry caught my eye and my heart.

The Weasleys took me in like I was their own, they didn't treat me any different. I had my few belongings and had shared a bedroom with Ginny which lead us to being the best of friends and sisters for that matter.

When Fred Weasley was killed during the war, it hit everyone hard but especially hard on George and I. George lost his other half, his best friend, and the only person he truly got to experience everything with. I lost one of my best friends, someone who was like a brother to me. Someone who helped get the love of my life and I together.

At Harry and I's wedding, Arthur Weasley walked me down the aisle, everyone stood in the audience, I watched the faces of all of our close friends who were tearing up and smiling at me, as it was the day I had been looking forward to for most of my life.

Draco nodded to me, Astoria following suit. Seamus and Dean were tearing up and Oliver smacked the back of their heads in a playful manner. Neville stood beside Oliver smiling at the scene unraveling in front of him. As Arthur and I got closer to the front, we saw Percy, Molly, Bill, Fleur, Charlie all standing in the front row, looking at me in pure awe as I would officially become part of the family.

I looked ahead of me, Hagrid standing underneath the archway, holding a book in which he will be reading from during the ceremony. Harry stood in front of him, smiling. Ron, George, and a large photo of Fred were standing to the side of Harry. On the opposite side of the archway stood Hermione, Ginny and Luna were standing in light pink colored dresses. Arthur kissed my cheek and helped me stand next to Harry. He went to stand in the front row beside his wife.

*****skipping to the vows****

"Now I believe the bride and groom have prepared their vows." Hagrid spoke, as he closed his book and put it on the table beside him.

Ron handed Harry a folded up piece of parchment. Harry unfolded it and smiled to himself, he probably wrote something dorky, knowing him.

"Y/N Y/L/N, the love of my life. You have been there through the thick and thin, you were cheering front row for me when I was competing in the Tri Wizard Tournament. You were there supporting me even when I thought Dumbledore's army was a ridiculous idea. You helped me recover after Hedwig and Sirius were killed. You've been there for most of the craziness that Hogwarts had to offer. You make me smile everyday, and you're truly the only person that gets me. Sorry Ron. You know I love you too." He said as he turned to Ron and patted his shoulder. Ron stood there chuckling as did I at their bromance.

"Anyways Y/N, you're the only person I could see myself being with for the rest of my life. I'm so excited to see what the peaceful future has in store for us. I love you." He smiled as he folded the parchment back up. Ginny handed me my vows and I choked back the tears as I unfolded my parchment.

"Harry Potter, you have helped me become the girl I am today, and I can't thank you enough for all you've done. You saved me from dragons, trolls, spiders, death eaters and just about any terrifying thing that could come my way. Including the time that Ron ate too much and threw up everywhere," I started chuckling to myself remembering that time.

"Harry you were there for me through the thick and thin, you helped me the days where I didn't feel confident about myself, and you made me feel like I was untouchable. When I was nervous about things going wrong at the yule ball, you told me that if things were to go wrong, it would go wrong towards you not me. You held me when I needed strength, and you wiped the tears away when I was hurt. You give me a reason to get up every morning, and while our entire relationship might have been scary and not ideal to anyone else, I wouldn't have it any other way." I folded the paper up and handed it back to Ginny. I let a few tears fall as he reached and grabbed my hands. We stood closer together.

"Well Harry, Y/N, I pronounce you, witch and wizard, husband and wife." Hagrid spoke, clapping as Harry turned towards me and kissed me firmly and lovingly. Harry Potter was my husband.

I remember being so happy to be a married woman, and the reception was just as dreamy as the ceremony itself. I had changed from my long, elegant white gown to a shorter light pink dress that was easier for me to move around in.

I sat at the table with Harry and our bridesmaids and best men, we saved a seat for Fred who we knew was there in spirit.

A slow song played, Crazier by Taylor Swift, a song I had loved since I was a young girl and that signalled that it was the iconic father-daughter dance. Arthur had already told me he couldn't quite move the way he used to, so he had asked George to have the dance with me, and George accepted. He stood from his seat and took my hand, guiding me to the dance floor.

He took my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I had always looked up to George, and it felt really special to have this dance with him.

"Y/N, I'm so proud of you, and I know Freddie is here watching everything." When he said that, involuntary tears flooded down my cheeks. I wished Fred could've lived to see the day.

"Thank you Georgie, and I'm proud of you for everything you've done too, with the shop and Angelina, I'm proud of you." I smiled.

"Well I figured this is the right time to ask if you will be one of Angie's bridesmaids."

"I would gladly do it." I smiled as we continued to sway.

Soon the song had ended and Harry took George's place as another slower song came on. I leaned my head against Harry's chest as we swayed just as George and I had.

"It's our first dance as a married couple and we still can't dance."

"This is much better than that dance at the Yule Ball." I chuckled remembering how we kept messing up during our turn to waltz.

"I'd take this too." Harry said as he looked down at me. Soon other couples took their place on the floor.

Ginny and Neville, Hermione and Ron, Astoria and Draco, Luna and Seamus, Bill and Fleur. Molly and Arthur standing in the corner holding each other and Molly swayed. I smiled looking at all the people who danced around us who really cared about us.

Then I thought about our honeymoon, how Harry took us to Bora Bora and how blue the water was, it was just as blue as the Pixies we had seen in our second year. That was the time our first child, James Sirius was conceived. Harry was ecstatic when he found out about the news and called all of our close friends who were just as excited.

When I gave birth to the beautiful boy, as many of our close friends were there as could be, and the baby was passed around to all of its godparents and uncles and aunt, as we agreed the Weasleys would be the boy's grandparents and uncles and aunts. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville would be his godmothers and godfathers.

The boy grew up to be spoiled with love and attention by his family, and Harry and I loved him dearly. Making sure to give him the childhood neither of us had. Then there was a time our daughter, Lily Luna was born, and James had loved Lily just as much as we all loved him, and it was heartwarming to see the two children together and bonding as they got older.

We were a full house at the burrow, ten years later. Angelina and George had their two children; a boy named Fred and a girl named Roxanne, Hermione an Ron having two kids; Rose and Hugo, and Ginny and Neville having one adopted child which they named Molly Minerva as the baby didn't have a name. All the kids were best friends with one another and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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