Percy the Prat :: Percy Weasley

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Percy Weasley; the third oldest son of Molly and Arthur Weasley. Everyone knew Percy at Hogwarts, not just because he had red curls that caused him to stand out from his brothers, but because he was Percy the Prat.

Percy was a stickler for the rules, making sure everyone involved with him followed them, and for that matter, people tended to say he was no fun and would never invite Percy to a party because he would shut it down since it was "after curfew" and "too loud."

Even Professor McGonagall didn't make that big of a deal. A little party never killed anyone, especially at parties at Hogwarts because it's usually the Weasley Twins hosting it and they drove for a more captive audience for their newest pranks and jokes.

Percy was a prefect, which made him walk the halls at night while everyone was supposed to be sleeping, he would make sure nothing was out of line, and he was pretty damn good at it, too. He walked through all the corridors with his wand lighting up the vacant halls. What he didn't know was you, his best friend and love interest was standing at a corner waiting to surprise him.

You two were the best of friends, had been since first year as you met in a way that Ron had met Harry. Since then you two were inseparable, you had countless Weasley sweaters in your trunk and had visited the burrow at every holiday break that you get.

You had a slight crush on your best friend, as cliche as it is, it just fit. You were a bit more outgoing than Percy was, you were a lot more likeable and had many guys making eye contact with you on the daily, but none of them mattered to you. At the end of the day it was all Percy.

Percy continued striding through the hall and you decided to quietly join his side. Which startled him. He jumped and prepared to cast a spell on whoever snuck up on him, he quickly assumed it was his younger brothers, Fred and George.

"Calm down Perce, it's just me." You giggled as he quickly went back to lighting the hallway with the tip of his wand.

"Why would you sneak up on me like that?" He chuckled, it was rare for anyone to hear him laugh.

"Just wanted to spend some time with you." You said, looking down at your shoes as they tapped quietly on the hard floor.

"Well I'm honored, but you shouldn't be here while I'm on prefect duty." He looked down at you as he was a bit taller than you were, he admired it because he felt it was easier to protect you.

"I just couldn't sleep, and I don't care Perce, I'm gonna spend time with my best friend." As the words left your mouth his face scrunched up, he didn't realize he had liked you more than a best friend.

"Oh, I guess one night can't hurt, it's what b-best friends are for." He muttered, something the confident Percy never did.

"Percy are you okay?" You asked, stopping him from walking. He looked down at his feet, avoiding your gaze.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He slowly lifted his eyes to look into yours, oh how he could get lost in them so easily.

"You stuttered and you don't seem like your usual pratty self."

"Okay look, I think I might like you as more than a best friend, and when you said that you wanted to spent time with me, your best friend, it just hurt a bit." His cheeks turned pink as he looked down at his feet again, you started blushing too as he felt the same as you.

"I only said that because I didn't know you liked me like that, didn't want to make a fool of myself. But I do have the same feelings for you, Perce." Your voice was gentle, soothing, and full of emotion as Perce carefully and quickly kissed your lips. You barely had any time to react as he pulled away quickly.

"I love you, Y/N." He smiled at you.

"I love you too, Percy." You smiled and bit your lip.

He reached forward and took your hand, grazing his thumb smoothly along your knuckles he kissed your hand and pulled you along to walk with him through the corridor, to carry on with his patrolling.

"There's no kissing in the corridors, by the way." Percy spoke sternly but you knew that was his sense of humors. You chuckled and leaned your head against the side of his shoulder, as you couldn't reach his shoulder.

"Oh write me up, Percy the Prat." You chuckled as you two continued to walk through the halls until his hours were complete and you could go back to sleep, in your respective dormitories.

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