Insecure :: George Weasley

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A/N: this story talks about body image/ insecurities, if this triggers anyone please go read one of my other stories. Remember you're all beautiful the way you are and don't ever change yourself for anyone! 💕


I stood in front of the mirror in the twin's bedroom at the Burrow. It was one of those days where I didn't feel good, not in an illness sense but in an insecure manner.

I had always struggled with feeling good about my appearance, George never knew, I hadn't bothered telling him as I felt like it was a burden, and I didn't want to worry him.

I stood in just a bra and a pair of underwear, standing facing the mirror, standing to see my sides, my face distorting into a face of disgust as I focused on all the small things that I hadn't noticed before.

Stretch marks here, discoloration there.

I held my stomach, I didn't have the 'flat' stomach that everyone wished to have, but it was the only thing I actually liked about myself. Which usually was one thing everyone felt the most paranoid about.

My legs were too short, my nails were too long, my freckles that were oh so similar to George's just didn't look cute on me the way they did on George.

George was way too good for me. At least that was what my mind kept telling me. He could have any girl he wanted but yet he chose me.

I held my hands up to my forehead, I wanted to back away from the much hated object but I couldn't find the strength.

Why could I be perfect? Or at least be happy with my appearance?

"Darling." A soothing voice spoke from the doorway. I looked at the person who spoke to see George standing in the doorframe through the mirror.

I put my hands over my mouth, I had no words. Tears flooding and cascading down my cheeks.

George ran into the room to catch my falling figure as I didn't find the strength to stand anymore.

"How long were you standing there?" I muttered through the sobs.

"Long enough to hear you talking smack about yourself." He said as he guided me to his bed, laying me down on my back. His fingers wiped away my tears, as they guided down from my chin to my chest, skipping over to my stomach as his fingers continued to feel my skin. I watched as fingers drew patterns on the surface.

"Love why?" George's voice was shaky, like he was going to cry.

"It's one of those days." I had to look away from him.

"You've done this before?" I nodded.

"Why babe? You're so beautiful."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Your body is perfect, your legs are gorgeous. Your stretch marks and your discoloration are beautiful, they're like paintings on the artwork that is your body. Your freckles, your beautiful freckles are like stars in the sky. Your nails are perfect. I would choose you over anyone any day. I love you for the way you are, you make me so crazy everyday and I can't fathom that a beauty like you don't see the things the way that I do." He leaned forward to kiss my stomach, something he always did.

"Baby, you are the most stunning girl I had ever seen. I hope that one day you'll see that. You just have to promise me you won't keep looking down at yourself." He moved some hair behind my ear, kissing my temple.

"I promise George." I looked him in the eye as he leaned in and gave a gentle kiss on my lips, before laying his head on my chest, rubbing my stomach gently.

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