Alone :: Harry Potter

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A/n: thought this idea was cute, be sure to vote! :)


Your date stood you up at the ball, how did you not see it coming? Your date wasn't even a friend of yours, he was a random Ravenclaw who asked you to the ball and because  you had no one to go with, you decided why not? So here you were, sitting alone at an empty table in the great hall and fidgeting with the table decorations.

You wanted nothing more than to just go to your dorm and cry and sulk, but you knew you had to stay in the hall, you didn't know why but you just knew you had to.

Plenty of heartbroken girls had left to go cry and you didn't want to add to the number, maybe a small part of you thought that something would change tonight, but you didn't know what.

What you didn't know was Harry Potter- the boy you wanted to ask you to the ball in the first place was watching you from his spot on the dance floor. He and his best bud, Ron Weasley asked the Patil twins as a last resort, and seeing the girl he wished he had the courage to ask sitting alone killed him inside.

He stood up and walked away from his small group, despite the calls from Ron and the grunts from the bored girls, he made his way to you, as you looked up, stopped fidgeting and put your hand that was on the table in your lap.

As if on cue a slow song started to play, as the dance floor cleared from groups of friends jumping around to couples softly swaying.

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked confidently and you rose your eyebrows, before taking his arm and standing up, following his guide to the dance floor.

"Of course." You smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, stiff at first before slowly relaxing into holding you comfortably as your arms draped around his neck.

"Your dress is really beautiful." He said awkwardly as you giggled, as you swayed, looking him in the eyes.

"Thank you." You smiled.

"Um, you look very handsome." You and Harry both blushed.

It felt like you two were the only ones in the room, and everything felt perfect in that moment.

"I'm sorry you had a crappy night." Harry said softly and you shrugged.

"It's alright, should've known it would happen. Least the night turned around." You smiled and laid your head on Harry's chest as you swayed.

"I wish I had the courage to ask you in the first place. Now that I have you here, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously, and you gasped, lifting your head and pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"Of course, Harry Potter, I would love to." You smiled as you kissed once more, before resting your head on his chest, taking in the now-positive environment.

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