Warm Cloth :: Fred Weasley

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A/N: another period one, I did some with the other characters earlier on and decided to do them with the other characters as well. Be sure to vote! :)

I sat in the great hall with my Gryffindor friends as they all conversed with one another. My boyfriend, Fred Weasley was probably still sleeping as neither he or his twin George were present for breakfast.

I sat with Hermione, Ron and Harry as they all talked and I just sat beside Hermione, quietly whimpering as pain spread from my lower stomach up to right to the middle of my stomach.

I started to eat the warm breakfast foods, hoping it'll calm the pain, but I had no such luck as it didn't do anything. I groaned, drinking some pumpkin juice as I waited impatiently for Fred and George to arrive.

A half hour later and they still weren't there, so I decided to go to them.

"I'm gonna go to the common room, not feeling too great." I said quietly to Hermione who nodded in understanding, I stood up and quickly walked back to the Gryffindor common room, getting through the portrait hole to the couch.

I wasn't able to stand up straight due to the shooting pain, so thankfully I could lay down in a fetal position on the couch without being disturbed.

As another wave of pain hits I clutch my stomach and whimper quietly, just in time for the twins to come walking down the stairs. They were laughing and talking until they saw me.

Fred immediately walked to the couch, crouching down in front of my head, knowing what was happening, he put his hand up my shirt right at where the pain was, it was as if he was the cure for the pain.

He stroked my hair out of my forehead and wiped tears I didn't know had fallen.

"I'm so sorry love." He whispered, kissing my forehead in a calming way.

"It's okay." I sighed.

"Did you eat anything?" I nodded, rolling on my back and leaning into his touch. He chuckled slightly.

"They're really bad today huh?" He asked and I nodded.

"It'll be okay love, here I'm gonna go get something, Georgie's gonna stay with you, alright?" He said, making eye contact with me, I nodded.

He pecked my lips before quickly leaving the common room as George took Fred's previous position on the floor.

George and I were good friends, considering how the twins were inseparable and I was dating one, it was like I automatically gained a best friend.

George stroked my hair gently, the same Fred had done, I started to feel my eyes get heavy before drifting off to a soft slumber.

The sleep didn't last long at all as another jolting pain awoke me, causing me to bring my legs as close to my head as possible while still laying on my side.

This time I couldn't control the tears flooding as they soaked my shirt. George sat on the floor, not knowing what to do as it would be inappropriate if he did anything more than just petting my hair.

"Fred will be back soon y/n, just try to breathe." I nodded slightly, trying my best to even out my breathing.

Thankfully Fred had gotten back to the common room with a cloth, George stood up, still petting my hair as Fred looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry my sweet girl." He said in a whisper, moving me to lay flat on my back, as he moved my legs flat on the couch, lifting my shirt slightly to kiss where the pain was forming again.

He took the cloth in his hand and pressed it on my stomach, the warm water instantly soothing the pain, and I sighed, finally getting a break.

"Is that better?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled before pressing a kiss on the forehead.

"You're so strong dealing with this every month." George spoke, as he sat on the elbow of the couch above my head. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Thank you Freddie, so much for everything."

"Anything for my girl." 

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