Short Shorts :: George Weasley

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It was a hot day at Hogwarts, a few days before you would be departing from the school back home to your regular life before you attended Hogwarts. You hadn't been home in a while as you had to either stay at school for holidays or you went to your friends houses instead, so you hadn't been to your hometown and seen your parents and family in a very long time.

It was overdue, but you weren't ready to say goodbye to another year at Hogwarts, even if you had three more left. You just found Hogwarts to be the best home and you couldn't bare to depart from it.

You were dressed in a light blue tank top and a pair of short shorts that were shorter than the dress code allowed, so you wore your robes over them where professors couldn't see the length, they weren't super short but they also weren't super long either, they went a little higher than mid thigh.

You were packing the last of your things, leaving aside a few outfits for the next few days before closing your trunk, when your boyfriend- George Weasley walked in and wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"Oh y/n. I'm gonna miss you during the summer." He sighed before laying his cheek on your shoulder, the top of his head laying against your neck.

"I'm gonna miss you too Georgie, but you won't go too long without me. Remember?" You smiled, you had plans to spend the last few weeks at his family's home before the new school year started.

"That's right, but still that's at least over a month away, be sure to write to me everyday."

"And you do the same." You rose an eyebrow as George had a tendency to forget to owl everyday.

"I'll be sure to remember." He laughed and you turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck, as the robes around you opened up.

"Wow those shorts are short." He smirked as he placed his fingers around the belt loops, pulling you closer to him.

"Yeah, can't let the professors catch me in them." You smiled as George couldn't take his eyes off of you in the shorts, you thought it was odd until you remembered he hasn't seen you in real shorts other than the pajama shorts you wore to bed sometimes.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone other than me will see you in them." He smirked before closing the door to your dormitory, you smirked knowing exactly what was coming.

A/n: I got this idea as it was something different, also I cut it off so there would be no smut cause I can't write that ish 😂 be sure to vote! :)

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