Belly Rubs :: George Weasley

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A/N: I don't know where this idea came from... but enjoy! Be sure to vote! :)

You were sleeping in your boyfriend, George Weasley's bed at the Burrow. You two were cuddled up under his thick blanket while Fred snores loudly from his own bed.

Your's and George's legs were intertwined, as you two faced each other, while George had a protective arm around your waist.

Sunlight from the thin curtain woke you up, a smile on your face as you untangled yourself from George's sleeping figure, you laid flat on your back, stretching before sitting up, leaning your back against the headboard.

George had started to stir, feeling you move out of his grasp, he opened his eyes as his ginger hair was messy on his white pillows, your stomach was exposed to him, as it rode up from your stretching and sleeping, and you didn't bother pulling it back down as it wasn't anything George hasn't seen before.

"Morning love." He spoke, his gentleness present in his voice.

"Morning Georgie." You said quietly, being sure to not wake Fred up.

He pulled you back down to lay at his level, laying flat on the bed.

"You feeling better today?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yes, thank you for helping me yesterday." You weaved your  fingers through his hair, as he got closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder.

Your monthly cycle was in full swing and the first day was always the worst for you, George had helped you through it, while in the process announced to the whole Weasley family that you were on your cycle.

Suddenly a cramp hit, causing you to hiss as you sat up. George hummed in sympathy before pressing his hand in the exact spot that had been hurting. He knew you loved when he rubbed your stomach, even when you weren't on your cycle.

He pressed a kiss to your neck as he laid his head down again, pressing both hands to your stomach and started pressing firmly in certain spots where pain had radiated.

He started to be more gentle, keeping his hands moving all over the soft skin, you sighing as it passed through.

"Thank you Georgie." You sighed, opening your eyes to look into his brown ones.

"You're welcome love, I'll always be here to help you through it." He pressed a kiss to your temple before going back to massaging the skin, preventing any more cramps that tried to come your way for the rest of the morning.

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