Hugo :: Ron Weasley

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You and Ron fulfilled your childhood dream of getting married, settling down and starting a beautiful family. You succeeded all three in just one year.

You had a steady job as a healer in St. Mungo's Hospital. You worked alongside your friend from Hogwarts Hermione Granger. Ron was a professor at Hogwarts, teaching flying and helping the quidditch team get back on track. One day while you and Ron were both working, you had developed symptoms that you hadn't been familiar with before.

Hermione didn't mind running a magical test on you, which came back positive that you would be having a baby. You were ecstatic, as having a child wasn't as easy as people thought. You had a two year old son named Hugo, who was your whole world. He was exactly like Ron with your loving personality. You weren't sure how he would react when he finds out that he will be an older brother.

You came home from the day's work to see George at your house with his two kids playing with Hugo on the floor with some Muggle toys. Ron must not have been home yet.

"Hey kids, George." You greeted as you walked towards the living room and sat down on the plush couch. You admired the three children playing nicely and George joining in as he never quite grew up.

Your mind drifting off into thinking about how Hugo would have a baby sister or brother in just nine months. How the other kids will have another baby to play carefully with in the future. George having another niece or nephew.

The front door opened not too long after and Ron came walking in with a smile on his face like always.

"Daddy!" Hugo shouted as he ran towards Ron who picked him up and swung him in circles.

"Hey buddy." Ron said as he kissed his cheek.

He put him down and he came to where you were to give you a kiss.

"Hey love." He kissed your cheek and sat down beside you.

"Hey, I have something to tell you. I feel like we should talk in private." Ron perched up, grabbing your hand and leading you outside of the living room, behind a wall.

"What is it love?" Ron asked, worry taking over his voice.

"Well, I'm pregnant." You said confidently, Ron hugged you tightly and kissed your temple.

"That's so exciting. Great news! Should we go tell the kids and George?"

"I think it would be nice." You said as you two walked back into the living room.

"Guys we have some news." Ron started. Roxanne and Fred sitting quietly as Hugo sat in his uncles lap, playing with his red hair while George tried to get his attention to you two.

"We're having another baby!" You cheered as the kids started dancing around. Hugo however was too young and didn't understand what that meant. George was just as excited as his five year old and four year old.

"Yay I'm gonna have another niece or nephew!" George cheered.

Hugo ran towards you two, and you picked him up and set him on your lap as you sat on the couch.

"Baby are you excited about having a little brother or sister?" You asked your son who looked a bit bothered.

"Where is the baby right now?" He looked confused.

"Baby your little baby is growing in my stomach. They won't be here for a little while." You tried to explain.

"There's a baby in there?" He asked, smiling as he put his tiny hands on your stomach gently.


"I get to hold the baby and sing to the baby." Hugo rambled and you nodded along.

"Yes you can, but the baby might be tired, so you might have to be gentle and calm." Ron said patting his son's small legs.

"Can I sing to the baby?"

"Of course you can love, the baby might not hear just yet, but how about we take a visit to grandma and grandpa's house to tell them all about the baby?" You asked, knowing your son loved apparating to the burrow.

He nodded enthusiastically as you, Ron, Hugo, George, Roxanne and Fred all apparated back to the burrow.

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