Long nights :: Percy Weasley

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I was staying over at the Weasley's home for the holiday break. Percy persuaded me to come and since I'm also good friends with his younger siblings I decided why not. Hermione and Harry were also joining us which would only make the break much more fun.

Percy and I were best friends, nothing more and nothing less. Of course I wouldn't have a problem with us becoming more, but knowing Percy he was just fine with me as a best friend, and I didn't want to risk the friendship.

When we all arrived at the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley has set me and Hermione to be in Ginny's room while Harry shared a room with Ron- of course.

It was nice to be able to spend time with the girls and have proper girl time. We all got along really well and Ginny looked at Hermione and I like sisters, as we each fancied one of her brothers.

After what felt like hours of girl talk, we decided to go to bed, well, the other two did. I felt very much awake, and I knew that Percy would be awake as well.

Percy and I often snuck into each other's dorms at Hogwarts whenever we couldn't sleep and had long conversations, about anything and everything.

I carefully snuck out of Ginny's room and down a flight or two of stairs to get to Percy's bedroom. The light was still on, as he was most likely reading.

I carefully opened the door to see Percy laying awake in bed indeed reading a book.

"Oh y/n, come for a late night chat?" He smiled. I nodded and closed the door behind me.

He patted a space beside him on the bed which I gladly sat in.

"How is sharing a room with Ginny and Hermione?"

"It's actually quite nice. I'd rather have them as dorm mates than the ones I have at school." I chuckled, and he did too.

"You three seem to get along quite well."

"We do, we're like sisters. They're the sisters I never had." I smiled.

"Ginny could get- annoying."

"It's just because you can't relate to her, if you were a girl you would understand." I smiled, laying down beside him as I looked at the book he was reading.

"What kind of things do you even talk about? You are quite loud." He laughed quietly.

"Just girl stuff. We walk about painting our nails, makeup, boys." I smirked as I looked up at the ceiling that was dim.

"Boys? Who exactly?" Percy's tone had gotten more tense, he put his book down to the side before turning to face me, while propping himself up on his elbow.

"Well, Ginny would talk about Harry, Hermione talks about Ron, and I-" I look him in the eye, his face was unreadable and I could tell he was on edge, waiting for my answer.

"I would talk about you." I said quietly but I knew he heard me.

"You fancy me?" He rose his eyebrows as a smile grew onto his face. His cheeks turning as red as his hair.

I nodded while looking down at my intertwined hands that laid on my stomach.

Tears welled up in my eyes as Percy hadn't said anything and I grew nervous, that maybe he didn't return the feelings. I was about to stand up when Percy grabbed me by my waist, pulling me back onto the bed and we laid closer together than before.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, wiping stray tears from my cheeks.

"I-I feel like I ruined everything between us, Perce."

"Y/n, you didn't ruin anything, I'm just shocked is all. Never in a million years would I ever think you would fancy someone like me."

"Someone like you? What do you mean?" I turned to face him, propping my head up on my hand.

"I mean, I'm not rich, I can't spoil you the way boyfriends do to their girls, and most people say I don't seem fun. You could do so much better." He laid on his side away from me.

"Percy, I love you the way you are, I don't need anything, I don't need gifts or anything more than just you. I don't need dates to expensive places, especially when I can spend the day inside with you at home or in the common rooms. Percy, do you fancy me back?" I sat up, watching him.

"I do, I have since we first met." I smirked as I got closer to him, spooning him.

"What are you doing?"

"Cuddling with you, is that so bad?"

"No," he said as he laid on his back. Smiling as he looked at me.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, Percy Weasley."

"Now there is one thing left for me to do." Percy pulled me on top of him so my legs rested between his and my head rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to." I smiled, as he enveloped me in his arms as we both drifted into a calming sleep.

A/n: wow thank you so much for over 60 reads! I'm so motivated to write more for you guys!
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