Hurt :: Oliver Wood

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You didn't have the highest tolerance of pain, so to take care of that, you just never got hurt. You didn't play quidditch, you didn't really do anything that could give you any injuries, as you liked writing and reading more than anything else.

So one day when you sat at y/h table in the Great Hall for breakfast, you were whimpering in pain leaving Oliver, your boyfriend very worried at the Gryffindor table.

You were going through a certain monthly cycle that all females go through, and the cramps were not that kind to you. They seemed to get more painful and for you that just hit the limit. You tried eating the warm eggs and biscuits to help soothe it, but nothing seemed to work. Maybe a warm bath in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom? No that would be too messy. You thought, you didn't want to bother Oliver with this because you were sure he wouldn't understand and not be able to help properly.

"What could y/n possibly be in pain with? She writes and reads more than anything and I don't think that could really injure someone." Oliver rambled to the twins and Percy who sat around him at the Gryffindor table.

The twins tried to think seriously for a moment but obviously had gotten no idea, that was until their younger sister, Ginny walked by.

"Ginny, come here a moment." Fred called.

"What, you're not going to prank me are you?" The little girl asked.

"No no, we need help with girl things." George said, as Ginny has sat down between her two older brothers.

"What is it?"

"Y/n is hurting and we don't know what from."

"Maybe her period?"

"Period? What's that?" Oliver asked curiously as he hadn't heard of it before.

"It's a girl thing, mum told me about it so I can be okay when it happens to me when I'm a little older." The poor girl looked embarrassed remembering the talk she had with her mum.

"What is it?" Percy asked. Ginny grew red and Hermione came to save her.

"Hermione, can you help explain?"

"It's when the uterus lining tears to rebuild itself in a stronger way, for when the time comes for us to hold a baby and it gives bad cramps, and causes us to bleed a lot. It also gives terrible mood swings, like one thing can make us cry that normally wouldn't." Hermione cringed.

"Is there anything Oliver could do to help y/n?"

"Heat, chocolate frogs, she might have unusual cravings. Just be there for support for her. Periods suck." Hermione said as she went back to her spot at the table. The twins looked mortified and Percy's face was as red as his hair.

Oliver went to look for y/n and she was nowhere to be seen. He wandered around the castle and found her standing against a wall in the corridor outside the Great Hall. He picked her up which caused her to panic but then relax once she saw it was Oliver.

"Hey love, everything's okay." Oliver kissed her cheek.

Normally, Oliver was very lovey dovey, giving cute nicknames and giving kisses and was very affectionate, however he felt like it was more deserving at this time than anything. He took her back to the Gryffindor common room, even if Gryffindor wasn't your house, you always relaxed in the room to spend some time with Oliver.

"Hermione told us what you're going through love, I'm so sorry." He laid you down on the couch, propping your head up on a pillow and sat himself down on the floor on his knees, so he can still tower over you.

"Thank you Ollie, but what about your quidditch practice?"

"I'll cancel it for today, maybe I'll go another day when you're feeling better. For now I'm staying right here with you." He said as he kissed you sweetly. This caused you to start crying.

"No baby don't cry, what's wrong?"

"You canceled quidditch for me." You cried, and he laughed knowing you usually aren't that emotional and that this cycle must really take a toll on you. He comforted you and you calmed back down.

"Can we cuddle?" You asked shyly, as you sat up, holding your stomach as another cramp went through, you held your breath as it started to take air from your body. Oliver has laid down behind you and you laid down on top of him, between his legs and resting your head on his chest, he reached forward and placed his warm hand on your stomach over your clothes.

"Your hand is warm." You sighed as it took the pain right away.

"I'm glad it's helping." He said as he placed both hands on your stomach, rubbing soft patterns over your thin shirt.

"Thank you Ollie, for everything." You said as he kissed your temple.

"Anything for you, my love." The portrait hole opened and in walked the twins and Percy, each carrying a ton of chocolate frogs, and they placed them down on the table in front of you.

"These are all for you y/n." You smiled as tears came flooding out again. You reached forward and hugged the three Weasley's as they laughed awkwardly at you crying happy tears.

You had laid yourself back down on Oliver's chest, kissing his cheek as you were so grateful for your boyfriend and your best friends.

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