Bad at Goodbyes :: Fred and George Weasley

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It was the dreaded day that your two best friends; Fred and George were leaving Hogwarts to pursue their dreams of opening their very own joke shop.

It was during Umbridge's reign of Hogwarts, where every student was easily ticked off, the twins setting off some epic pranks in the meantime. Which caused them bad detention, with the dreaded magical quill that carved what you were writing on your own skin.

"I will not pull a prank," carved on each of their wrists.

They had enough of it, and Harry had helped them get enough funds to open their shop as he won the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He had enough money of his own from his parents vault at Gringotts Bank.

You didn't want them to leave you behind, but they had to. You didn't have a place to live, and didn't want to intrude on their plans of living in a flat above the shop. You also didn't want to beg to stay at the Burrow with Molly and Arthur while there's none of your Weasley friends there.

The twins new you hated it at Hogwarts with Umbridge in charge, but there was no way for you to go with them, so you were stuck, saying goodbye to your two best friends and having to fend for yourself in the dark halls that won't light up with fireworks anymore.

The twins had just announced their departure, throwing fireworks that displayed a W in the air. You and the rest of the student body had run to the courtyard to see the twins on their brooms flying all over.

Tears were uncontrollably running down your cheeks, and the twins noticed, flying down on either side of you.

"You okay, our dearest y/n?" Fred asked kindly, they always called you that whenever you were sad.

"I'm just not good at goodbyes."

"Is anyone?" George chimed in and I shook my head.

"It's not gonna be fun anymore with you two being here making jokes and pranking the staff. You two are the reason why I survived this long." You laughed.

"We'll always be at Hogsmead, not too far from here." George pointed in the direction of Hogsmead.

"I know, but you won't be here in this castle."

The twins sighed, knowing there wasn't really anything that could cheer you up. Fred hugged you tightly as you hugged just as tight back.

"Okay, off we go!" George flew off and Fred flew off too, with you still on the broom.

"Uh guys, I'm still here!" I called as Fred steered as you were holding onto his waist like he was driving a motorcycle.

"Silly girl, you really think we would leave you there alone? We had Hermione and Ginny pack your trunk while you were in exams." Fred explained and before we knew it, we were outside the twins' shop.

"Home sweet home." George called before walking in, and we followed his lead as he walked us to the flat above the store.

"We gave you your own room, figured you wouldn't want to be in our room." They laughed as they spoke at the same time.

"Thanks guys, you're the best friends a girl could ask for." You cheered as you walked into your own room that was yet to be decorated. Your trunk laying on your bed waiting to be unpacked.

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