Massage :: Draco Malfoy

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You were studying in the library, as you did regularly as you wanted to try to beat Hermione Granger's record and get a better score than her. You've even been able to start on homework that hasn't been assigned to everyone yet.

Draco, your boyfriend supported you with this goal, however he didn't like that you didn't get to spend quality time together because you were always studying. Sometimes he would join you in the library but ultimately becoming a distraction.

You had just finished the potions essay that would be assigned the following week and you grinned, proud of yourself as you grabbed your stack of papers and shoved it in your bag before moving the books back to where they properly go.

Once you were cleaned up you quickly left the library and headed back to the Slytherin common room where you met up with your boyfriend who lied dramatically along the couch in the center.

Once you walked in, you saw Pansy watching like a hawk as your boyfriend lied there, he was awake, but had most likely complaining that you weren't there with him.

He looked up and smiled as big as you've ever seen it before grabbing you in a tight hug, leaving you to drop your bag on the floor.

"Y/n! You're finally back!" He cheered as he laid you down on the couch, you laughed at your boyfriend's silly behavior before cuddling into his side as he laid beside you.

You smiled at him as you played with the platinum blonde hairs on his neck, knowing that was a weak spot for him and relaxed him no matter the circumstances.

"Library again?" You nodded.

"Got the potions essay done that is assigned next week." He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Such a nerd you are." He held a slight smirk.

"Such a sexy nerd you are." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead before sitting up and grabbing your hand, as you bent down to retrieve your bag from the ground before following him to his dorm room.

He closed the door behind him and you put your bag down beside his bed before transfiguring into something more comfortable before getting into his bed, the warmth held from the blankets spreading throughout my body.

Draco took his shirt off, leaving him in pants before he sat up with his back against the headboard before dragging you to sit in between his legs with your back against his chest as he had a firm grip on your shoulders before massaging them.

Draco has done this before, mostly when you've spent a decent amount of time studying or doing work, even if you weren't stressed, he just enjoyed touching you and having skin to skin contact.

His thumbs grazed your shoulder blades as he leaned forward to kiss your cheek.

"I love you princess." He whispered in your ear.

"I love you too, Dray." You smiled before leaning back and relaxing into his chest as he continued to gently massage your shoulders.

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