Shower :: Ron Weasley

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A/N: this is no smut lol that's all I wanted to say.

The shower was a place that offered relaxation and let your mind wander free. The water that washed over you, allowing all the memories from the days wearing away.

As you showered and washed your hair, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to the one person who always snuck into your mind, your crush and best friend, Ron Weasley.

You, Hermione, Ron and Harry were the golden four, you were always solving mysteries that lied within the Hogwarts castle.

You thought of Ron's smile. The way he stuffed food into his face like it would be his last meal, with all that you guys uncover and get into trouble, it very easily could've been his last meal.

You thought of the way he blushed when you made eye contact, he was the same awkward eleven year old you met, just trapped in a sixteen year olds body.

You thought of how he made you laugh so hard pumpkin juice came out your nose, and the way that he gets embarrassed when Hermione buts in the conversation.

No one knew about your crush, as you didn't want Harry and Hermione to know, you figured you would keep it to yourself.

Once you got out of the shower and put on a baggy tee shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants you headed back up to your dorm, seeing Hermione, Harry and Ron standing outside of the bathroom.

"Hi guys." Hermione smirked and so did Harry.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"We heard you in the shower, talking about Ron." Hermione said in a matter-of-fact tone before her and Harry walked off, leaving you and Ron alone.

"Did you really mean all those things?" He looked down and blushed. You nodded.

"I like-no, I love all the things about you too, y/n." He smiled, looking up before grabbing your hand gently before following Hermione and Harry back to the common room.

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