Mother's Love (Part 2) :: Draco Malfoy

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A/N: if you haven't read part 1, you should do so or else you'll be lost 😊.

Y/n's pov:

Later that day, after lunch that was indeed delicious, I had gone up to Draco's room to hang out. We talked about Hogwarts, talked about Christmas, it would be my first time truly celebrating since what happened when I was a kid, and I never felt more at home than I do at the manor, even if I've been here for a short time.

Draco wrapped his arms around me as we laid on his bed, his room was dark green and silver colored, but not in a way it was too much, it was perfect.

No matter how much conversation Draco and I would partake in, my mind kept wandering to the conversation with Narcissa. Hearing about Draco's angelic behavior from when he was a baby. It made me want a baby, but Draco and I were only sixteen, far too young to have one, but it couldn't leave my mind.

Draco had gone silent, playing with my hair as we looked at his ceiling.

"Y/n, is there something on your mind darling? Seem to be daydreaming again." He chuckled.

"Kind of. When your mom and I were talking downstairs, it just got me thinking about having babies someday. She told me about how sweet and perfect you were then, and it's just been stuck on my mind." I said, leaning up on my elbows on his bed as he turned to give me his full attention.

"Y/n I would love to have a baby with you, but you know now we're still young."

"I know, we have our lives ahead of us still, I'm in no rush to have one. But thinking of one just has me warm inside." I smiled, looking down at the stomach that would hold a child someday.

"Draco, y/n, supper's ready!" Narcissa called. I got up and reached for Draco's hand as we walked down the stairs slowly to the dining room.

Draco's father had arrived home from work, he sat at the end of the table and Narcissa sat on the left side of him, Draco and I sitting down across from Narcissa and an empty seat that I would assume Dobby would be taking.

"Oh this must be y/n." Lucius spoke, his voice was cool, icy unlike his wife.

"Yes I am sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." I offered him a smile, which he surprisingly had returned.

"Draco tells us you're a pure blooded y/h." He said as he started to scoop food on his fork.

"Yes I am. M-my parents were pure blooded." I muttered, knowing I would have to tell the story. Having to brace myself.


"Father don't-"

"It's okay." I cut Draco off. He looked at me worriedly and I nodded.

"My mom was addicted to muggle drugs, before I was born and after I was born, and she over did it and died when I was a little girl." I said looking down at my food. Narcissa gasped.

"Y/n, dear I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, even though I've known you for a short time I feel like you're the mom I never had." I looked at her, her cheeks turned pink and I could tell she was warmed by the compliment.

"What about your father?" Lucius asked.

"He left, after my mum died. Leaving me to be an orphan. I escaped the orphanage and made it to Diagon Alley, Hagrid found me and brought me to Hogwarts, housing me in his hut until I was eleven years old." I said, as tears fell down my cheeks. I hadn't known I was crying.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry." Lucius spoke with sympathy in his voice. I shook my head.

"It's okay. They did it to themselves. I've never had a proper family, and seeing how Mrs. Malfoy cares for Draco really makes me happy, because I never had that." I sniffled as I continued to fiddle with my food on the plate.

"You're a strong girl. Draco's told us about how smart, and confident you are. You're truly something else y/n, and we feel like you're a great match for our son."

"I love Draco more than anything. He makes me feel special and loved, and I would do all in my power to help him with everything that I can." I spoke truthfully.

Draco squeezed my hand and I smiled at him. He leaned to kiss my temple as we continued eating in silence.

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