Tongue Piercing :: Fred Weasley

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A/N: I totally forgot I did one with Harry about a piercing but we're gonna roll with it 😜
Also I know nothing about piercings so don't attack me if I get facts wrong :) be sure to vote!

You had gotten a tongue piercing, there was no easy way to put it. You thought that they looked cool and you also thought that Fred would enjoy it also, change it up a bit behind closed doors. Your tongue had been sore for a few days, and finally the pain had wore off.

You were talking and laughing with Hermione, making sure to keep your tongue in your mouth so that Fred wouldn't see it and that it would ruin the surprise.

He had been staring at you all day, surely because he sensed something was up, or maybe because he just wanted to admire you- nothing was wrong with that.

Once dinner was finished everyone headed back to the common rooms, and you linked arms with Fred who smiled at you and bowed causing you to giggle. As you wrapped your other arm around his forearm, you leaned against his shoulder as you walked up the stairs to the portrait hole.

Fred guided you up the stairs to the boys dormitories, pinching your butt causing you to squeal and giggle. Once the door was opened and unlocked, Fred pushed you against the door and started to kiss you sweetly despite his eager mood.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked you up and your legs wrapped around his waist. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance which you denied, earning a growl from him as he tried again, this time you gave in.

His tongue explored your mouth until it landed on the metal bud that rested on the center of your tongue.

He quickly pulled away with wide eyes as you cautiously stuck your tongue out to show off your piercing. He brought his finger and gently touched the golden ball before smirking and going back to kissing you.

He walked you over and laid you down on the bed, before bringing himself on top of you, steadying himself on his hands as they were placed on each side of your head.

You looked up and ran your fingers through his hair as he pulled away and looked at you lovingly.

"I love you y/n." He said in a shy tone, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"I love you too Fred Weasley." You kissed his nose as he chuckled.

"Let me see what that tongue piercing can do." He winked as you rolled your eyes. You were in for a long night.

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