Sweet Love :: Fred and George Weasley

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Being in a relationship can sometimes get tough, jealousy and arguments, fighting and fears, but being in a three way relationship with two obnoxious twins? A lot easier than most thought.

Fred and George always shared everything ever since they were born, before they were born as they shared a womb. So when they both had a crush on y/n, they both argued, trying to think of a solution, when one idea popped in George's mind that was odd, but what idea was logical in either of the twins minds?

One day in your guys' fifth year, the twins had approached you in the library while you were studying for the OWL exams that would take place, the twins startled you and you slapped them both with your book.

"What did I say about sneaking up on me?" You laughed, the twins had been your best friends since first year when you boarded the train. Cliche, I know, falling for your best friend.

"We need to talk to you-" Fred started.

"It's serious." George finished for his brother as they sat on either side of you.

"We both like you y/n, like really like you. And we wanted to share you." Fred spoke, you looked confused but then the dots were connected.

"I like you both too, I'll be willing to try this out." You smiled as the twins kissed each side of your cheeks, causing you to blush at the sudden attention.

Here you were two years later, and still going strong. You had found it odd at first but you were happy and in love, you three never gotten into real arguments, just playful ones. No one quite understood your relationship but your friends supported it nonetheless.

You three had left Hogwarts and opened up Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and lived in a flat above the shop.

You were waking up a lovely spring morning, you and the twins had shared a bigger bed and spent every night cuddling between the two so they could have their arms protectively around you while sleeping.

"Good morning angel." George spoke in his husky morning voice, you smiled and whispered a good morning back.

He smiled and kissed your lips, it was a sweet and loving kiss, it fit the loving atmosphere that was in the flat. Fred was laying behind you still fast asleep, he held onto your waist and his head in your shoulder. Holding you like a teddy bear.

"So sweetheart, as we have a day off, what do you want to do?" George asked, he was always very gentle with you, despite him being wild and loud with his twin when you weren't around.

"I'm not sure love, maybe just staying and cuddling with you and Freddie will be alright." You smiled as you rested your head on his bare shoulder while drawing shapes on his chest.

Your eyes started to get heavy again as you closed them, hearing George's soft humming above you. Fred started to stir in his sleep, signing that he's waking up.

"Good morning my love." Fred kissed your temple as you smiled while your eyes were still closed.

You rolled over, facing Fred who was now laying flat on his back. You laid half of your front on half of his, hearing a groan of jealousy from George. You could tell Fred was smiling.

"Come on Georgie, you had her resting on you all night." Fred spoke while stroking your hair, twirling strands around his fingers, causing you to lightly hum at the feeling. Fred chuckling beneath you.

You had fallen back asleep at this point, between Fred's hair twirling and George's humming had caused you to feel relaxed. You buried yourself farther into Fred's chest as he wrapped both of his arms around you, as you were fully on top of him now.

"I love you so much y/n, you're the best girlfriend twins can ask for." Fred whispered into your ear before he and George fell asleep again as well.

A/N: thought this one was cute, it was originally gonna be more angsty and was gonna have a different story line but I'm having a lazy day and felt like writing a lazy story :) be sure to vote!

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