Papercut :: Ron Weasley

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Being sensitive wasn't necessarily a bad thing but it was a pain when I got hurt. I was sensitive with my emotions and feelings, and Ron who was gentle with me, made sure that everyone around us was gentle with me as well.

One time George and Fred were a little too rough in a sense that they wanted me to help them with a prank, which normally I do sometimes but they were way too enthusiastic with this one, and it scared me with the amount of yelling they had done, even if they weren't angry, I can't handle that loud tone very well.

They were shocked when I started crying on the spot, thinking maybe they had said something that offended me when they were talking about giving Filch a box of puking pastilles, and immediately sat down beside me, each wrapping an arm carefully around my shaking figure.

"Did we say something y/n?" George asked in a quiet tone, almost in a whisper. I shook my head.

"Then what is it?" Fred asked from my right side, as I turned to look him in the eye to see his eyes displaying a look of hurt.

"My parents used to fight a lot growing up, and they would always scream at me, and whenever someone yells in that tone whether it be good or bad, the memories just come back to me." I whispered shakily, the boys sighed in unison before placing a head on each of my shoulders.

"We didn't know love, we'll be more careful." They kept their word even years later. They always looked after me like I was their little sister, in a way I was as I was dating their younger brother Ron.

Now back to present day, we were all sat in the common room, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George and I were working on homework.

I was writing a much-procrastinated potions essay while Hermione was working on some pre-assigned homework that she got before anyone else could.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances at one another before turning back to their essays. The twins sat on the couch watching all of us work instead of doing their own work themselves.

All was great, it was silent and the music of the quills against the parchment filled my ears as I took in the environment around me, that is until my finger slipped and accidentally gave myself a paper cut against the edge of the parchment.

Due to being extra sensitive to things like this, I dropped my quill as I held my finger tightly, getting the droplets of blood on my other hand, I looked down as tears escape my eyes and cascade down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart are you okay?" Ron asked, stopping his work to cradle me in his arms, rubbing my shoulders gently as he kissed my cheek.

I shook my head as I slowly revealed my cut, it was small and if it weren't for the blood, you wouldn't be able to see it, but it hurt worse than any other small injury I've ever gotten.

"I know papercuts hurt love, just wait here while I get a wet cloth alright?" Ron kissed my forehead before frantically running to retrieve a wet cloth. Harry put a hand on my knee and gave a smile of sympathy. I sighed before closing my eyes as the throb in my finger started to feel much larger.

I squeezed my finger harder with the hand wrapped around it, feeling like I lost a lot of blood, but in reality it wasn't as bad as I had expected, Ron came back quickly and took my hand carefully away from my finger, letting the warm wet cloth embrace it in a soothing manner.

Fred got off of the couch and sat on the other side of me, Ron sitting on my right side and holding my finger tightly to stop the bleeding. Fred wiping away the tears that had fallen before rubbing my back and humming softly.

Fred always was the one to look after me if Ron wasn't able to, if Ron was at quidditch practice or had a detention or something to solve with Hermione and Harry, Fred would keep an eye on me to make sure I was alright, and when I wasn't his older brother instincts would kick in.

If I had a nightmare or a bad dream and Ron wasn't there, Fred would walk into my room and sit with me and make sure that I knew it was all a dream. Ron knew of this, as he was skeptical at first that something fishy was going on, he saw before his own eyes how Fred took care of me, just the same as Fred or Ron had for Ginny, and accepted it.

"You're alright y/n." Fred whispered before patting my back and getting back to the couch.

I rested my head on Ron's shoulder as he wrapped his free arm around me, pulling me to sit on his lap.

"You're alright, everything'll be okay. The pain will stop soon." Ron said quietly and I nodded along. He kissed my cheek before slowly taking the warm cloth off my finger, the blood was gone and the cut itself was cleaned.

"Madame Pomfrey gave me a bandage to put on it." He said before putting the small bandage on the cut, to shield it.

"Thanks Ronnie." I kissed his lips sweetly, as he put the cloth down and put his arms firmly around my waist.

"Of course y/n. Let's get back to work shall we?" I nodded as he grinned, giving me one last peck before we went back to work on our essays.

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