Injured :: Percy Weasley

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I watched as Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco were all arguing in the middle of the corridor, I stood to the side, until I couldn't take it anymore and decided to get in the way of it, to protect my three best friends.

I walked up to their little feud, pushing Hermione to the side and shielding her, as I knew she was one of Draco's main targets, other than Harry of course.

"Oh y/n coming to save the day?" Draco mocked and I rolled my eyes.

We were all in the same year, we were in our second year at the school but I always stood up for my friends, no matter who against.

"Yes, Malfoy." I muttered.

"What? What was that?" He whispered. His goons laughing with him.

By now Harry and Ron were standing on the side watching with wide eyes. Draco then took out his wand and twisted it, causing my leg to snap in half. I screamed in pain as I crashed to the floor. Hermione gasped behind me before running down the hallway.

Harry and Ron pushed back through to get to me, holding me still until Hermione came back. They held me tightly, defending me from Draco who was about to walk away when a sharp voice pushed him against the wall.

Percy came in alongside Oliver Wood and Hermione,  Oliver crouched down and picked me up bridal style as I laid my head against his shoulder, tired from the pain and crying.

"If you ever do something like that again, don't think I won't give you a taste of your own medicine." Percy hissed before releasing a terrified Draco from against the wall. He turned back to me, his reddened face softening as he saw the state I was in.

He walked alongside Oliver and I to the hospital wing.

Time skip brought to you by Dobby's sock.

Once we got to the hospital wing, Oliver carefully laid me down on the bed, elevating my leg on a small stack of pillows. Once he was done positioning me he winked at Percy before walking out of the room. Percy sat down beside the bed, staring down at the floor.

"Percy?" I whispered. He slowly looked up at me.

"Why'd you stick up for me?" I asked, he sighed.

"I love you, I know you're so young and probably not ready, but I love you and I care about you." He looked down at the ground.

"Perce, I-" he stood up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"I love you too, the age gap might be large but it's nothing unusual." He smiled slightly before pulling him down to my level.

He looked between my eyes and my lips before slowly leaning in, I closed my eyes as he did the same before we closed the gap between the two of us, locking in a passionate kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held my waist.

We pulled away from each other to gasp for air, before pressing our foreheads against one another.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too Percy."

Madam Pomfrey walked through the door and smiled at us, Percy quickly moving away from me.

"So Y/n, I need you to drink this for me please." She handed me a small vile of a potion and I opened the top and drank it completely.

Soon my bone had started to connect back to normal and the pain I once felt was gone. I watched as my leg's swelling went down completely and looked brand new.

"How'd this happen?" She asked, taking the empty vile back from me.

"Draco Malfoy did it, he cursed me." I said, sitting up and smiling that there was no pain.

"Will report him to Dumbledore, thank you y/n." She smiled before walking away. Percy reached forward and picked me up, struggling at first before putting me down.

"Maybe I'll have to join Oliver on some of his work out days so I can properly carry you." I laughed and rolled my eyes, as we walked back to the common room hand in hand.

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