Scorpius :: Draco Malfoy

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A/N: got this idea overnight and thought it would be cute, I'll be posting different kinds of one shots soon!

Draco sat up in bed admiring your sleeping figure. Sleep was something you hadn't got a lot of these days as you were six months pregnant with yours and Draco's second child. Your two year old son, Scorpius has been an angel and your dream child during this pregnancy, as he's been cooperating and very patient with his parents.

Your unborn child kicks all throughout the day and night and has kept you up on many occasions, and once you were awake you weren't quite able to go back to sleep.

Here you were, sound asleep, your hands cradling your protruding stomach as Draco watched you in awe, just the same as he had when you were pregnant with Scorpius.

He was amazed by the fact you still looked beautiful even when you were exhausted, swollen, and pregnant all at once. He couldn't imagine what you must be going through every day and always did his best to show you how much he loves and cares about you and his growing family.

The bedroom door creaking open took him away from his thoughts, as he sees his son with tear stained cheeks and his small baby blanket in hand. He carried his small teddy bear in his other hand. Draco's heart broke at the sight as he got up carefully not to wake you up to see what had upset his child.

"Scorp, buddy what's wrong?" Draco asked quietly, crouching down to his son's eye level. Scorpius dropped his belongings before wrapping his arms around his father, Draco sighed before rubbing his back in a soft manner.

"B-bad dream, daddy." The boy whimpered, Draco held him tighter, scared to know what the boy had dreamed about, Scorpius hadn't been around his grandfather in fear of his beliefs rubbing off on the small boy.

"What was it about, son?" Draco's relaxing voice made its way into Scorpius' ears as he calmed down.

"That the baby was hurt." Draco's heart warmed, a small smile crept onto his face as his son nuzzled his head into Draco's neck.

"I promise my boy that the baby is just fine. Mummy's doing well at protecting them." Scorpius pulled away from his father to look him in the eye. Draco smiled at the small child that was almost like a complete mirror image of himself as a young boy.

Scorpius had his father's platinum blonde hair and his sparkling grey eyes, the boy however had his mother's nose and had more color in his face than his father had.

Draco swore to himself that he would never let old family problems ruin his son, like how it nearly ruined him. Which was why only Narcissa was allowed to see him, Lucius on the other hand could care less, he didn't want to see the child, even when the boy begged to see his grandfather.

Scorpius was a happy kid, he was oblivious to the dark past that his family name held. He never learned of the Wizarding War, but frankly he was far too young to understand.

"Can I see the baby?" Scorpius asked with a big grin on his face. Draco smiled at his son. Scorpius used every spare minute that he had to talk to his growing sibling, and would often fall asleep with his head near his mother's stomach, it was his way of showing the baby that he loves him or her.

"Not right now Scorp, mum is sleeping, maybe in the morning." Draco said, bending down to pick up the blanket and the teddy bear that Scorpius had dropped.

"But daddy."

"No buts son, mummy's been having a tough time lately and needs to sleep."

"I promise I'll be quiet." Scorpius pleaded with puppy eyes, Draco knew he had won the fight and sighed.

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