Loss :: Harry Potter

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A/N: I don't know anything about miscarriages so please don't attack me if I get things wrong. But enjoy! Make sure to vote! :)

You and Harry were happily expecting your first child, you were both seventeen, but nonetheless you were excited and ready to accommodate your lives to make sure your child lives, even if it meant you or Harry or both of you leaving Hogwarts behind.

When word got around that you were carrying Harry Potter's child, all of your peers were shocked to say the least, as they saw you all as highly praised students. The professors' visions of you both had suddenly changed, Snape's stayed the same however as he always was bitter towards the both of you.

McGonagall and Dumbledore were shocked at first but understanding, and at all costs wanted to protect the both of you and your unborn child so the baby doesn't grow up in a life much like Harry's.

Your brother, Draco, who hadn't spoken to you in who knows how long because you were put in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin refused to look in your direction, dating his enemy was one thing but carrying his child was another.

One day you got an owl sent from your father, in the letter it read that you were no longer welcome at your home, Malfoy Manor. You cried, but Harry was there to comfort you, and to build you back.

Since then you had stayed at the Weasley's, as did Harry every holiday, and they were very much accepting of your current lifestyle, Mrs. Weasley giving you advice and tricks to make your pregnancy a lot easier, even if you were only two and a half months along.

You and Harry were laying on Harry's bed in Ron's bedroom, you two were cuddling as Harry played with your hair with one hand while he pressed his other hand to your stomach, still in awe that it housed a beautiful child.

"I bet it'll be a boy." Harry said suddenly.

The room was silent, just the steady breathing coming from you and Harry and occasional loud laughing from the next room over which belonged to the mischievous Weasley Twins.

"I bet it'll be a girl." You smiled up at Harry who had a big grin on his face.

"What ever the gender, it'll be a beautiful baby and that's all I could ever ask for." He said, sitting up to place a kiss on your stomach. You smiled and ran your fingers gently through his hair at the sweet gesture.

"I love you so much y/n, thank you for carrying our baby."

"Anything for you Harry." You smiled.

That night you both fell asleep in the same position, your shirt was rolled up so Harry could keep giving your stomach kisses and holding the bare skin, which was something he's liked to do since he found out you were expecting.

You had gotten terrible cramps in the middle of the night, worse than any other period cramps you've gotten. You felt a liquid trickle down your inner thigh, and you looked down to see blood soaking your sleep shorts. Immediately you started panicking, waking up Harry whose eyes widened and immediately picked you up bridal style, taking you down to the hospital wing to see what was the matter with you or your baby.

Time skip brought to you by Draco Malfoy yodeling in a Walmart somewhere.

Once you had gotten to the hospital wing, you were laid down in a bed instantly, as Madam Pomfrey inspected you, touching your stomach lightly where the cramps had been forming. She instantly knew what it was and gave a saddened look to the both of you. Your heart beat quickened as it fell into your stomach, your worst fear becoming a reality.

"I'm sorry Ms. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, but it seems that you lost your baby." Madam Pomfrey said, looking down before walking away, giving you time to grieve.

Tears streamed down your face as you thought about what she had said, the words repeating in your mind as you looked down at the stomach that had housed your baby for the last two months, you pressed your hands against your stomach, as you started to sob uncontrollably.

Harry got down to your level, moving hair out of your face before hugging you tightly, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.

"We'll get through this, together." He whispered and you nodded, still crying.

The next morning you had woken up still in the hospital wing, Harry had gotten into the bed beside you, still holding around your waist as he slept. You had balloons and flowers all around your bed. Realization had struck you as you remembered the events of last night.

You reached for the small card inside a bouquet of flowers closest to you. You recognized the handwriting right away.

I'm so sorry, sis. I know we've had our differences, but no one deserves what you had been through. I'll visit you soon. - Draco

You put your hand to your mouth in shock at your brother's actions. As if on cue he walked in to the wing, spotting you before walking to your bedside. He held a harsh glare to the man who had his arms wrapped around you, who started to stir in his sleep before waking up in surprise to see your brother.


"Y/n." His tone was different, one you haven't heard since you were a small child. It wasn't his icy, cold voice but it was a sweet one.

"I heard what happened. Word got out fast, and I'm sorry." He looked you in the eye as tears welled up once again. He bent down at your level, as you sat up to get closer to your big brother.

"I know I was an arse, and I should've been there for you." He wiped away a stray tear.

"Do you forgive me?" He whispered and you nodded.

He wrapped you tightly in a hug, placing a hand on the back of your head, obviously glaring at your boyfriend. You took in the smell of your brother, as it had calmed you knowing you had family again.

"Potter, I know we've had our differences as well, but you obviously make my sister very happy, I could see it by the way you've been with her through this."

"I love her, she makes me the happiest. She's my whole world."

"Would you like to start over again?" Your brother asked, his neck vibrating from his words as you pulled away to watch him in awe.

"Of course Draco." The boys shook hands before you, as they helped take your mind over the loss that had taken place and gave you hope that everything will be okay.

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