Fever :: Percy Weasley

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Your head was pounding, you were having hot flashes, you were laying under four blankets, shifting to take them on and off. You couldn't go to class, you wouldn't manage. Your boyfriend, however made matters worse.

Percy always expected you to go to class, and sometimes felt like your father rather than a boyfriend. You did your best to let him know of when he switched roles and he caught himself. However this time he hasn't noticed something was wrong with you.

When you were ten minutes late to breakfast, he sat in the great hall watching the doors for you to arrive, when you were fifteen minutes late a voice in the back of his head brought up the possibility that maybe you weren't going to come.

Percy furrowed his brows as he stood up, quickly leaving the hall and started on his journey to your dorm room. As he traveled through the corridors and staircases, he made it to the dorm and heard you coughing from inside. He winced at the sound, as he hated anything that was related to illness. He hated getting sick, he hated when others were sick.

He knocked on the door, hearing groans from the other side and he instantly knew something was wrong with you. He pulled his robes down past his fingers and held his breath as he opened the door abruptly and saw you sitting in bed, hair all a mess and handkerchiefs all around the bed.

"Wha-what's wrong?" His stern voice not fading away. You sniffles as you sat up straighter.

"I'm sick Percy, there's no way I'll make it to classes today." You spoke nasally, before blowing your nose loudly, as Percy's face contortioned and took a step back.

"You must go to class. Today we're transfiguring a piece of parchment into apples." Percy rose his eyebrows, transfiguration was your favorite class. Especially since Percy was there with you.

"I'll have to do it another day." You threw the rag to the side before laying your head back down again on your pillow. Percy looked up at the ceiling and groaned before sucking in a deep breath and marching into your room, grabbing your hands and pulling you into a sitting up position.

"What the hell Percy? Stop acting like my father I told you I'm not going to class today and that's final!" You shouted before trying to lay back down but Percy stopped you, his face softening.

"Sorry y/n, you know how much I hate illnesses. Let me take you to Madam Pomfrey, yeah?" His stern voice was quieter, and you sighed and nodded as he pulled you out of bed. He slipped fuzzy slippers on your feet before guiding you down the stairs and to the hospital wing.

You knew that Percy couldn't handle taking care of anyone when they were ill. You had been sick only a few times before, and Percy lost any sort of control that he had, he would stand and watch you, awkwardly pat your head, but ultimately he would be running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Taking you to the hospital wing was something he hasn't thought of before but was glad that he thought of it this time, that your illness was more serious than any other time before.

Once you made it through the doors, Percy guided you to a vacant bed, positioning you comfortably and taking your slippers off, putting them to the side before tucking you in, which was something he's done when you two spent long nights talking in the common room, when you fell asleep while he was out patrolling the halls and you were trying to wait for him.

He deep down enjoyed tucking you in, though he would never admit it to anyone else, you knew he found joy in it, which was why you never fought with him on the matter.

Once you were tucked in and comfortable, Madam Pomfrey walked in and took a look at you, stating the obvious that you had a fever and gave you a liquid medicine that would cure you on the spot. As you took it you felt your symptoms slip away and it was something you had never felt before.

"Feel better?" Madam Pomfrey asked and you put the glass down, nodding.

"Glad to hear it. Rest for a bit and you'll be free to go." She smiled and walked away, leaving you and Percy alone.

"I'm sorry for acting out of line earlier." Percy said, which caused you to look at him with a tired expression.

"It's not a problem really, it was your way of showing you were concerned." You smiled as he reached for your hand and wrapped his hand in it, intertwining your fingers perfectly.

He brought your fingers to his face where he placed sweet kisses on your knuckles.

"I'm so glad you're feeling better."

"I am, too." You smiled at your boyfriend who was suddenly being more affectionate.

A/N: sorry this took so long! I got the idea for it a while ago and have had writer's block with this chapter. I've got new ones coming out soon so stay tuned!

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