Cuddlebug :: Oliver Wood

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Y/n's Pov:

I was walking through the corridors to get to the great hall for breakfast, when Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson was standing to the side. I ignored them as they always showed hatred towards me, and I'm not sure why.

I always tried to be kind to everyone, and if they weren't kind back, I didn't hold a grudge because everyone has bad days. I walked by them, to get where I needed to be when I heard.

"Yeah, she's not even talented or good at quidditch, don't know why Wood would choose her when he could have one of us who actually has talented."

My face fell when I heard the words fall from their mouth. I couldn't run back now, or else they would know I'm weak, so I put on a brave face and walked into the hall, to sit down beside Oliver and eat breakfast like I would any other morning.

The only problem was I was extremely sensitive to what people said about me, and it was obvious to know something was wrong with me.

"Good morning my love." Oliver said as he leaned up to kiss my lips, which I allowed him to.

I sat beside him and my appetite had faded, I wanted to just cuddle Oliver and bawl my eyes out in the privacy of his dorm or my dorm.

Oliver continued eating his toast while I just sat staring off into space beside him, Katie and Angelina's words taking over my mind and not being able to think properly.

"Everything alright pumpkin?" Oliver asked, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I nodded, not taking my eyes off of the table in front of me.

"Something's the matter, you're never this quiet unless you're upset."

"I'll tell you later." I told him as I turned and wrapped myself around him. My arms around his chest and my head on his shoulder.

I was a person that loved physical contact, always have been, but I was more so when I was upset and needed touch to calm me down.

"I'm almost done eating and then we'll go to my dorm, alright?"

"Thanks Ollie." I said quietly, watching as he raised his last bit of toast to his mouth, eating it completely in one bite.

I unraveled myself from him as he stood up and took my hand as we walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

****at the common room.*****

We walked up to Oliver's dorm room, that was empty as everyone was going to class.

"Why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

"I was walking and I heard Katie and Angelina say some pretty awful things about me, they said that I wasn't talented and I'm bad at quidditch, and said why would you even be with me when you could have someone like them?" He laid me down on his bed and sat beside me on the ground.

"Y/n y/l/n, you are the most amazing girl I had ever seen. You are talented in everything you put your mind to, including quidditch. You're an amazing artist, singer, dancer, you have all the qualities that I look for in someone, and besides you never talk about someone behind their back which makes me even more in love with you. So don't let anyone's words get to you, alright?" He stroked my hair as his words were smooth like butter, his accent calming me.

"Thanks Ollie. It's just those two have always seemed to hate me and I don't know why, I've always tried to be nice to them."

"They're jealous of you, because they know they'll never be as amazing as you are. As quidditch team captain, they should be weary as I'll make them work
extra hard in tonight's practice." He chuckled. Which caused me to laugh as well.

"You always know what to say Ollie, thank you." I reached forward and hugged him.

"Always here for you my cuddle bug." I smiled into his shoulder.

I laid down and he laid down beside me, wrapping his arms and legs around me as if he was a koala on a tree.

"I love you y/n, and never ever forget that." He whispered and I nodded, never feeling any better than I do in that moment.

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