Wedding Tears :: Draco Malfoy

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It was impossible, it was absolutely impossible and unheard of that not only did Draco get along with a Weasley but he dated one, and proposed to one and is now getting married to one tomorrow.

That Weasley is me, y/n. Draco and I had been going out since our third year, we went to the Yule ball together, and that was the night we knew we were meant to be. When his parents heard about the news that he had taken a liking to me, they quickly had something to say.

His father  tried to break us up as Bellatrix carved the words "blood traitor" in my arm. It killed Draco to see me in pain and tortured by family, and since that day he had cut ties with his family.

During the battle of Hogwarts he fought on the right side, and helped my brothers and sister fight off death eaters. However, they claimed one of us- my brother Fred.

Fred and I were close, of course not as close as Fred and George but we were close. He was my big brother and I was his baby sister. We always told each other secrets and he mended broken hearts, he gave me advice on how to tell mom and dad that I was dating Draco, and he was the first person to accept it.

Draco had gotten along with the Weasleys thanks to Fred, and Draco asked him permission to marry me, where Fred told him he could.

It was the night before the wedding, Draco had to leave soon to go be with the guys and I had to be with the girls, as we won't see each other until the ceremony and I knew I couldn't handle the emotions alone. I missed Fred more than ever  and wished he could come back just for one day.

When I was younger, I would always tell Fred my wedding plans, telling him about what I wanted the colors to be, who I would invite, of course he was the first invited. He told me he wanted to share a special dance with me after dad and I dance. He wanted to have just a few minutes between the two of us where no one else can interrupt.

A knock on the door distracted me as Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Fleur, Angelina and Molly all came in squealing before closing the door.

"Are you alright y/n?" Hermione asked in a worried tone and I nodded.

"I just miss him." I looked down at my feet.

"Silly you'll see him tomorrow at the ceremony."

"No, not Dray, I mean Fred. He won't be there for our special dance." Tears welled up in my eyes as Hermione sat down beside me, hugging me tight.

"No don't cry." She whispered, laying her head on my shoulder as I closed my eyes, wishing for nothing more than my brother to be here with me. An idea came to mind, surely it'll be a lot different than originally planned, but it must work.

I stood up, wiping my stray tears away before walking out of the bedroom, heading down the hall to the loud room that the guys were in for the night. I knocked on the door, as Percy opened it looking annoyed. His face softened once he saw me.

"Y/n, what's the matter?" His voice caused silence in the room and Draco stood up worried to see my face.

"May I speak to George please?" I called out as George stood up and jogged over to where I was. Percy closed the door and the loudness continued on.

"What is it y/n?" George asked smiling a small smile. I knew he was hurting just as much as I was, maybe a little less as he didn't plan a dance with him at his wedding that I know of.

"Freddie told me that he wanted to have a special dance, a brother sister dance with me at my wedding someday. And I was wondering if you wanted to have the dance with me? In Fred's honor?" I looked up to see George's tear filled eyes, the mention of Fred's name must've pulled something hard in him. He nodded.

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