I'll never see you :: Draco Malfoy

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A/N: so this one is different than anything I've ever written- this preference you are blind and Draco is your best friend. I hope you like it!
Also a BIG thank you for 4K reads! My heart is full and I love writing these, thank you!!


Your first day at Hogwarts was tough, not only could you see where you were going, but people bullied you because of it. An older witch, who told you her name was Professor McGonagall, was guiding you around to most of your classes, but when she wasn't there because she was teaching or she had to help another student, rude Slytherins found their way to push you into walls and teasing you for being blind.

There was one voice, one boy who seemed different to you and his name was Draco Malfoy. Unfortunately you couldn't see what he looked like, but you knew his voice and could tell when he was around. He seemed to be the only person who didn't care if you were different.

He carefully guided you around the grounds while telling you stories of the notorious Harry Potter and why he doesn't like him. Which you understood both sides, Draco was forced to believe his father's beliefs and wasn't allowed to form his own opinions.

"Let me take you to my favorite place in Hogwarts." He said with a smile in his voice and you nodded. He walked with you then suddenly he picked you up in his arms, holding you bridal style.

He seemed to be going up stairs and you grew a little worried. Draco noticed

"Don't worry love, I've got you." He chuckled and you relaxed a little into his arms right as he put you down on your feet, before guiding you somewhere where the wind blew in your face.

"Where are we Draco?" You moved your face to his direction, in hopes maybe you could see him, but nothing was there.

"We are at the astronomy tower. I like to come here to think, to get away from Hogwarts for a bit." You smiled, honored he decided to bring you here.

"I wish I could see it, it seems peaceful."

"It is, you're standing on a balcony now, and just in front are a beautiful collection of trees." You closed your eyelids, relaxed and trying to imagine the scene he was describing.

"Why did you bring me here Draco?" You felt him stand behind you, with his arms wrapped around your waist and he rested his head on your shoulder.

"I know I might have only known you for one day, but I feel something, something I've never felt before. You're different y/n, and not just because you can't see, but you seem more true than any other girl at Hogwarts. I feel protective over you. Seeing Pansy and Goyle teasing you today just lit something in me that I can't quite put out. I want to always be there to protect you from anything." He spoke effortlessly and your heart warmed at his genuine words.

"Draco, I love you. You seem so misunderstood, and forced into a life that isn't made for you. I may not be able to visually see, but I am able to see how much of a beautiful soul you have." I turned around in his arms.

I felt his breath on my lips, and soon, attached his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet, passionate, gentle, and loving and fit the scene just perfectly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he held my waist tighter before pulling away.

"Y/n, I love you."

"Draco, I love you too, even if I will never be able to see you." I smiled before kissing him once more.

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